Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Moments on the Lips, Forever in the Hips

Essentially, this post is about my insecurities. 'Moments on the lips, forever in the hips' refers to the junk food we guiltfully devour like there's no tomorrow, and immediately get onto the scale first thing the next morning to check if we gained a couple of pounds. As a teenager, it is natural for us to have insecurities, caught between two main phases in our lives, a child that needs friends and to feel belonged and loved, and an adult desiring to be independent and make our own decisions.
Personally, I have a lot of insecurities, from my appearance to my likability factor. I never wish to point them out because that would make them all the more obvious, which is the last thing any of us would want-- for our flaws to be all that everyone else sees. Our sole mission- Operation Hide Shortcomings. So when someone points out a flaw that you have tried so hard to cover with your excellent academic results to your impressive talents, it feels like a blunt knife through your spine and being twisted 360. Painful, and you feel as though death is the best option for the moment, like a complete failure and loser.
I have experienced, first- hand, public humiliation about my imperfections quite a few times before, by strangers as well as close friends and family. I am aware of my flaws, but for someone to point them out, OUCH! They mock about my appearance and other unspeakable things. I tried not to take them to heart, because like my blog says 'sticks and stones may break my bones but words shall never hurt me'. To completely neglect those criticism is not that applaudable either, because we should take them in our stride and try to be a better person. However, if it were to be about something that you cannot change, like your appearance or something that you are comfortable with, then to hell with them! Just live your life, happy.
What would be even worse is if these people were messed- up and grotesque themselves. Who are they to judge us then? What professional status do they have to give me advice? In such cases, they have indeed commited one of the 7 deadly sins-- envy.

I don't see how they're gonna tell me
What I need
Or how I need to be
'Cause if you ain't doing what I wanna do
Living like I wanna live
I don't wanna hear it
- Mya "How You Gonna Tell Me"
Know this: It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown.