Thursday, November 27, 2008

Escape Themepark for CIP

On the 17th of November, 9 of us from 08A04 volunteered to accompany the kids from Evergreen Primary School to Escape Themepark. In essence, we had to babysit the students and watch after them. Certainly it was an opportunity not to be missed, considering chasing after kids under the scorching sun, entertaining their nonsense, and waking up early in the morning, were small prices to pay for an all-paid-trip (including lunch) to the themepark. Most of the kids were the same ones we played with during our Service Learning. Based on that experience, I thought meeting them again would be nice. I was very touched when one of the kids, Yee Kang, actually remembered me from our earlier meeting. However, I was attached to 3 malay girls, who I did not meet during the Service Learning. 2 of them were Primary Threes, and the other one was Primary 5. They were really adorable kids. Very hilarious and witty, especially during lunch at Burger King. Amalina and I made conversation with them by asking them questions about school and life. Bill Cosby was right, kids do say the darnest things. Amalina and I were laughing in between bites of our burgers and french fries. The girls just looked at us curiously and shrugged it off with satisfaction and the erroneous notion that we were just plain crazy to be laughing non-stop. I must add, they were quite the dare-devils too. They tried almost all of the rides, and even went on most of the 'scary' rides more than once! I was impressed and utterly embarrassed that I was too scared to accompany them on some of the rides. With them, you are obligated to go on the rides, firstly to protect them, but mainly (and sadly) to protect your own pride. Of course, there were tears of fear now and then (No, not mine! Gosh, give me some credit.) but all in all I had a great time, and I hope they did too.
After, I had to rush from Admiralty to Toa Payoh to Potong Pasir for Track training! I was exhausted from the day at Escape and the rushing to catch the buses and mrt surprised me with a new-found stamina. I was quite the superwoman that day, I must say. I wrapped up the whole day halfway while watching Desperate Housewives and crashed onto my cosy and warm bed with a huge grin on my face. A meaningful and productive day it was, indeed.
Know this: During pregnancy, the average woman's uterus expands up to five hundred times its normal size. (A dedication to those who are baby-crazy at the ages of 17 and 16. You two know who you are.)