Wednesday, January 9, 2008

An Early Wake Up Call

My flat is currently undergoing an upgrading, building an elevator in front of my house. The damn contractors start work at around 8.30am every day, except for Sundays, as that is their break day. How do I know this, you may wonder. Well, I have made friends with one of the foreign workers. Yeah right! Just kidding. Actually, I am woken up, everyday, by their relentless drilling. The ear- bleeding noise of the drill kills me. From my usual, 11.30am wake-up time, I am now usually awake by 9am. I am honestly going crazy with all the noise. And all the sleep that I'm NOT getting is making me a bitter and cranky person. It's ugly! So I thought to myself, maybe it's just for today. They are using the drill to remove portions of the corridor to make way for the elevator. Once they get to building, not removing, it should be quieter. I was sadly mistaken. When I peeped outside to see the progress, to my surprise, they were not even removing any parts of the corridor YET, they were still trying to remove, what looks like to me, the layers of paint on the walls of my flat. If such a pollutive noise is produced to only remove a thin layer of the corridor, I could only imagine what the noise would be like if they were to ever remove the whole thing. I am honestly going out of freaking my mind, tossing and turning at 9am to try to fall back to sleep, experimenting every position I possibly can to shut the noise out. Unless the contractors put the drilling and more recently, banging, on silent mode, only then will I ever be able to get back my beauty sleep. Till then, the beast is here to stay.

Know this:"Happy Birthday" was the first song to be performed in outer space, sung by the Apollo IX astronauts on March 8, 1969