Thursday, February 7, 2008

Going Back to My Roots

Yesterday I tuned into Suria almost the whole night, from 8pm to 11pm. To some, that is not a big deal, but for someone like me, that is huge. I watched the malay news, Berita, first, for my parents' viewing pleasure, then Kpak Bing Bing, which is hilarious with the comedic acts of Najib Ali, Era Farida and Suhaimi Yusof (they got mad skills, man!). Plus, underneath all the laughters, the show actually has substantial values, educating married couples on what some of this very conservative community may consider as taboo, like the issue on intimacy and sex. I like it a lot. Next was Projek Cerpen, which turn short stories written by the young malays into an hour show. Last night's show was very interesting, plus the Sleeq guy was super good- looking, Syarif. Anyway, the storyline was full of twists and turns, with the changes in perpectives from a mentally- ill teenager to that of a pathological liar. I will never be able to tell the story through this post, though, but if you have watched the show, you would understand.
The show was so inspiring that I looked up the term 'pathological liar'. I found that it is actually a medical condition, a mental illness where the patient lies compulsively and believes in himself that it is true. Scary, if you ask me.
While waiting for Style Her Famous to come on, I watched S- Trek on Suria, which turned out to be pretty entertaining too. I laughed a couple of times during the show on sports that are not so common in Singapore.
Well, you must be thinking, watching these shows 3 hours consecutively does not necessarily make be 'intact' with my roots. You are probably right. But this could be a start. I look forward to Tuesdays nowadays, not only because of Grey's Anatomy at 11.30pm, but because of the mentioned malay shows. Getting an A1 for my malay language in my Olevels certainly does not make me a pro in this language. I know my mother tongue is terrible and the good grade was basically a fluke, the paper was easy. I am essentially trying to broaden my horizons by watching these shows. I like them, so that is a good start. Making it a point to watch them every Tuesday will hopefully make me interested in my own culture again. Maybe next, I'll pick up a malay book. Only time will tell.

Also, enjoy the Tic- Tac- Toe I installed to entertain you readers in case I fail to update my blog, just so your visit will not be in vain. And Happy Chinese New Year to all!

Know this: Pathological liars often actually convince themselves that they are telling the truth, which in turn can alter polypraph tests and other questioning.