Side tracking a little, I think I have a major crush on Syarif, the Sleeq guy I briefly talked about in my earlier post. I heard Sleeq on the radio last night and my heart skipped a beat. I quess I am not too hesitant to write his name down on my blog because I believe it is just an fanatic crush. Well, he is a celebrity, by some standards. It's just a phase I'm sure. But it feels nothing like what I feel towards Chris Brown. Probably because Christopher is on the other side of the planet. But Syarif on the other hand is right here, in Singapore, and so I still may have a chance! Tough luck, darling, he already has a girlfriend. Yup, my obsession has led me to visit his friendster account where I was disheartened by the sight of his happiness with his lover. Utter disappointment. To come to think about it also, I am not that big of a fan of his music. He can sing, that much I am sure, but the substance of his songs are nothing close to applaudable. So how can I have an fantatic crush on someone I am not even a fan of? Then again, how can I have a real crush on someone I barely even know and doesn't even know I exist? And it's more than just his looks I am attracted to. There's just something about him. I still really do hope it's just a phase that I'll get over soon before I am in too deep.
Know this: A recent study indicates when men crave food, they tend to crave fat and salt. When women crave food, they tend to desire chocolate.