Saturday, February 9, 2008

Girls' Night Out

Last night, my mother, sister and I decided to watch the fireworks at Marina Bay so we headed to the Esplanade. Initially, we wanted to go as a family, together with my father and brother. Unfortunately, my dad was too tired after work, so he decided not to go. My brother followed suit to accompany my father. That was how it turned into a girls' night out. At marina, we settled at the large staircase overlooking the Esplanade (usual hang- outs for the mutts and minahs). Surprisingly, with the overwhelming turn- out of the Chinese during their festive season, the mutts and minahs felt inferior and stuck to one corner of the massive staircase. Poor thangs. Go ahead, have a cigarette to reduce the pressure of inferiority. You deserve one. Anyway, the fireworks were blocked by the trees from where we were sitting, so we could only catch a glimpse of the set of fireworks that went high into the sky. I wanted to take pictures on the camera but the damn batteries failed on me. Low battery. Son of a gun!
Side tracking a little, I think I have a major crush on Syarif, the Sleeq guy I briefly talked about in my earlier post. I heard Sleeq on the radio last night and my heart skipped a beat. I quess I am not too hesitant to write his name down on my blog because I believe it is just an fanatic crush. Well, he is a celebrity, by some standards. It's just a phase I'm sure. But it feels nothing like what I feel towards Chris Brown. Probably because Christopher is on the other side of the planet. But Syarif on the other hand is right here, in Singapore, and so I still may have a chance! Tough luck, darling, he already has a girlfriend. Yup, my obsession has led me to visit his friendster account where I was disheartened by the sight of his happiness with his lover. Utter disappointment. To come to think about it also, I am not that big of a fan of his music. He can sing, that much I am sure, but the substance of his songs are nothing close to applaudable. So how can I have an fantatic crush on someone I am not even a fan of? Then again, how can I have a real crush on someone I barely even know and doesn't even know I exist? And it's more than just his looks I am attracted to. There's just something about him. I still really do hope it's just a phase that I'll get over soon before I am in too deep.
Know this: A recent study indicates when men crave food, they tend to crave fat and salt. When women crave food, they tend to desire chocolate.