Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Great Week

SAJC had their annual Sports Day on the 23rd of April this year. I was rather excited considering it would was the first Sports Day I attended in 2 years. KCP abolished it when I was in secondary 3. Anyway, I participated in the 10 x 200m relay. Our team came in dead last, but it was all cool. We tried our best. We shall kick the J1s' asses next year (like the J2s did to us this year) and reign champions! The events held were interesting; they had the CT race, where the teachers ran a whopping 50m in a 8 x 50m race! Pathetic, I know. But they were so adorable, in their oh-so sporty out-fits. Then there was the Musical Chairs event. A classic, a crowd favourite. It was so hilarious! The participants were so focused during the game, as if it was a matter of life and death. The way they aimed for the chairs and anticipated for the song to stop, I could barely contain my laughter. Overall, the day went smoothly. I was quite impressed by some people who one may not necessarily think they can run like the wind. Especially the boys. They guys in SAJC are very very fast. Not bad, not bad at all.
After Sports Day, my class celebrated my birthday as well as Monique's. Then we headed to Plaza Singapura to watch a movie. We ended up in 2 separate theatres, as some of us preferred Street Kings and the rest the Forbidden Kingdom. It was the first class outing. I had a blast getting to know them better. We should have more of such outings and better attendance this time, ya? It has always been a great way of fostering close bonds with your fellow classmates.
Anyway, I would like to thank Farina, for being the first to give a birthday present; a mug and a cool personalised chain that I hang on my bag, Amalina for the 'shocking' gift of hers; a card with Chris Brown's pictures, Jie Xin for the unexpected present; 2 bottles of lotion, my family for treating me to Swensens and buying me the Nike Shoe Bag. And to all those that wished me well wishes and 08A04 for the cakes [especially Shelley (sorry for the accidental disposal of your cake tin) and Monique] and their birthday songs. I truly madly deeply appreciate them all.
Here are pictures taken during my birthday on the 21st at Swensens and on Sports Day. I had a blast.

Birthday Celebration at Swensens!


Me, Amalina and Farina

Yummy! Thanks Shelley!
Birthday Girls of the Week: Monique and I

I am so over you, I think.

Know this: An Octopus has 3 hearts.