Wednesday, April 23, 2008

21st April

Yesterday was indeed a glorious day! It was my birthday! How exciting, my first birthday spent in Junior College. I received 2 birthday songs yesterday from my beloved class, 08A04. They were so adorable when they dragged my name during the birthday songs. Really appreciate it, guys. Thank you all for wishing me the well wishes, verbally and via text messaging. I am truly touched. Monique, whose birthday happens to be this Friday, self-made these heavenly cup cakes. There were delicious! I shall put in much thought into getting her a present that is just as satisfying. Of course, nothing compares to a gift that is self- made. Those gifts come from the heart. So I shall make her something too. Let me think this through first.
I celebrated my birthday with my family at Swensens after school on Monday, after a tiring day at track training. With my out-of-placed hair, and my crumpled uniform, I marched into the Toa Payoh Swensens outlet and ordered Spaghetti Bolognise and Hazel Daze ice- cream. I took quite a few of photos to capture the spectacular moments. I will upload them soon. I promise.
During track training, I was the only girl there. 'The only ros (rose) among the thorns,' as they say it. (Pretty original, eh?) For every drill, they said, 'Birthday girl goes first,' or the classic 'Ladies first.' They were such cowards but pretty funny ones at that. I enjoy their presence. They are entertaining. Plus, the weather was superbly good that day, breezy and at the same time the sun was in hiding. Perfecto! It was a special day, indeed.
Also, I forgot to mention significant events that happened last week. Firstly, I went into panic mode when I lost my wallet! My ez-link (how was I to go home?), my IC (my father is going to slaughter me alive!) and the wallet (which was brand new, and my mother paid $33 for it for me!), were all gone. I went to Econs lecture feeling anxious as I thought about the outcome of my irresponsibility. Then, a hero came along. Farina received a message, from a friend of hers, Marcus. He text messaged her that his friend had found my wallet outside the library. The timing could not be anymore perfect. I was relieved. When I met him after the Econs lecture, he handed me my wallet with 2 hands! What a total gentleman. I was grateful and very very relieved. Thank you once again, water-polo dude!
Last Friday, I almost missed the bus to the MRT interchange. As I walked towards the bus stop, I saw that the bus had already reached the bus stop. I was disheartened. I was certain that I was going to be late for school, as I knew that the next bus would not arrive in the next 15 minutes. Even if I walked to the MRT interchange, I still would not make it in time to board the 705am 142 bus that takes me to school every day. When all hopes seem lost at that point of time, I realised that the bus did not move after the last passenger alighted. As I walked closer to the bus stop, it remained stationary. Then I realised, the bus driver actually waited for me, as I strolled my way to it, uncertain if such good samaritans exist. I was grateful. I flashed the widest smile to the bus driver and uttered 'thank you' to him. He acknowledged with a smile and a nod. The day went on smoothly.
So to conclude, good does exist in this world. Through the smallest deeds we do for others, the impact can be greater than we think. Like today, a woman sheltered me into the bus, even though anyone would think that the few seconds in the rain as we boarded the bus would not really matter. She insisted with a nod and I smiled. I thanked her. A small deed, and I am already blogging about it. If someone was to save me life, I will insist that it be published in the newspapers, in English, Malay, Tamil and Chinese! That is how much I am grateful.
I believe in the good in people. It is through these people that I hold strongly and firmly to my stand.
Anyway, I would like to wish a very Happy Birthday to my very good friend, Tessa Yan. As well as a new track friend of mine, Jerrard! May you two have all the blessings and love in the world!!!
In the next post, I will update about the Traditional Games Day I had with my fellow MCS (Malay Cultural Society) mates. There are pictures! Stay tuned.
Tomorrow is Sports Day in SAJC. I am participating in the 10 by 200m event. I know, what an odd event to have. So wish my CG and I luck! I hope there will be good news to share. More importantly I hope that we all have a blast tomorrow! Wishing for good weather and strength to get by Sports Day 2008.
After possibly boring you with this long post, here is a clip, but it is in Malay. My apologies to my fellow Chinese readers. Basically it is about someone whose horoscope is Taurus, the bull and is born in the month of April, mentioning certain characteristics of these Taurians, such as being stubborn. Hmm.. I wonder who. Enjoy!
Taurus (Penawar Rindu) performance by Imran Ajmain and Dia Fadila during Sinar Lebaran

Know this: A mosquito will become restless and start flying around if there is an increase of carbon dioxide in the surrounding air.