Saturday, May 10, 2008

I Don't Know How to Say This...

There are so many things I would like to share with you readers. Things that I have told my friends during our usual chatting sessions. But because this will be publicised for everyone to see, I cannot let you know of my deep feelings without you speculating and suspiciously associating my emotions with something or someone.
Initially, I thought that a blog was like a diary. A diary is an outlet where you write out your deepest darkest secrets into and your true feelings about certain situations. A record of your emotional ups and downs and special events you have experienced.
But a blog is the very opposite. Everyone having access to your thoughts and emotions with a click of a button. Things you just want to express through writing cannot be on your post. Humans are not inherently born with blatancy in them, to publicly declare their anger and frustrations about somebody, especially. So we keep it in. We hold on to it, hoping someday we will be ready to let it go and be cool again.
So to me a blog is just my way of keeping those no longer in touch with me updated with my current situation. Also it is a record of the many things I have been experiencing. Never too emotional, I hope.
Side-tracking a little (major!), SAJC rugby team will be up against the ACSI rugby team this coming Monday at the Padang. It is the fight for the championship! I wish all ruggers the best and hope they know that the whole college is behind them. Taken from the movie Longest Yard, starring my personal favourite, Adam Sandler,
"A broken knee will heal. A win against the guards (ACSI) will last forever."

So who's going to be the man in my life? As I ponder, something tells me it is not him.

Know this: Charlie Chaplin once won third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest. (I hope he knows I support him.)