Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Still Here

This must be the longest I have ever been away. There are so many things that have happened since I have been gone. Unfortunately, I never had the time to update you guys at that very moment because of assignments, CCA and lethargy (a euphemism for plain ol' laziness).
It is kind of a good thing that I delay what I want to post about. It gives me time to cool off before I post about hate and regret doing so after it is up for everyone to see. All the angst against friends and families are not what I want to read about when I take a trip down memory lane as I re-read my 'Bygones be Bygones' section.
But I do want to remember the good stuff. So here it goes...
I went for the SAJC vs ACSI finals match umpteen years ago. We lost, 8 -21. But it is o-tay! The atmosphere was great and the boys played fantastically. Could not be anymore proud of them! They played one hell of a game! Kuddos ruggers!
Pre- U Seminar camp is coming soon, next Monday! Super-duper excited for it. Meeting new people from other schools and the fancy-schmancy ministers. It is going to be different from most camps that I have been to, considering that we will have to wear more of blazers and court shoes, as compared to the usual shorts and T-shirts. But there will be other fun activities too, such as the movie screening and the SandCastle challenge. I will be sure to take a million pictures during the camp to show you guys! Did I mention, we'll be sleeping in the NTU hostels? Like I said, I cannot wait.
As for American Idol, congratulations to the both Davids! I really hope Archuleta wins but I sincerely do not mind either way. Cook is great too! So this may be the first year of AI that gurantees me no disappointment. I am glad.
Also, my sister will potentially be a teacher! She received a letter stating that she has received a one and an half year contract under NIE. When she aces her performance in the school that she will be posted to (which she will), she will officially be under NIE and a step closer to being a teacher. I am very proud of her! All the best, kakak! And have mercy on those poor kids, kids like these in particular.

For here is where I shall part. I will be more urgent in my posting next time something good happens. Promise.

Happy Vesak Day to all Buddhists! Thank you for this holiday. We all could use a break, and as for you Buddhists, quality time with family and friends.

Know this: Vesak is the major Buddhist festival of the year as it celebrates the birth, enlightenment and death of the Buddha on the one day, the first full moon day in May, except in a leap year when the festival is held in June. This celebration is called Vesak being the name of the month in the Indian calendar.