Saturday, September 20, 2008

Pre-Promotional Examination

I am in the midst of revising for Literature and No Fear Shakespeare requires me to access the Internet. So this hopefully justifies my brief visit to my blog.
Anyway, Promotional Examinations is this coming Monday, 2 more days to be specific. Terrified. Stressed. Nervous. Worried. Those are just a few adjectives that I can come up with at this moment to describe my feelings about the big exams. Revision is going rather slowly, but progressively. I probably am concentrating too much on one thing and my hopes in completing 5 chapters are crushed with the inevitability of only managing to wrap up 1. But with (almost) full comprehension. I should study faster, if there is even such a thing.
I understand that there are many out there who feel anxious about this whole thing. I empathize with you. We ALL do. But we have no time to stress about it now. We learn what we can as of now. Frustrations and fear will only slow us down and we tend to lose focus. So take a deep breath and study like there is no tomorrow. That is what I am planning on doing tonight even. Burning the midnight oil as they call it. Also, remember to study smart if you do not have time to study hard.
Remember to pray to the Almighty for help in time- management, focus and peace in your heart, which is probably racing like a runaway train. He will answer and guide you through. I know, rather uncanny for me to be all religious but at this point in time, when you are helpless, you have to turn the One that ultimately controls all things. God is good.
We will get through this, with prayers and hard work. Study till the very end.
We can and we will get promoted with grades of flying colours. Have faith.

And it is officially my big sister's birthday today! Congratulations for hitting the big 20, alive and healthy! You have done all of us proud with your success in teaching and all. Damn, you make it all look so freaking easy! Anyway thanks for all the chats to accompany me at night. Love you bee-yotch!

Know this: Roziana Bte Rosli was born on 20th September 1988.