That has been the attitude throughout the Mother Tongue examination, I feel. Screw it. I really did not take the paper as seriously as I know I should have. I do not know what got in to me yesterday. The desks were neatly set up, the air-conditioning was on and the hall was silenced. Still, those factors did not phase me at all, the way that they used to. I would blame it on the terrible flu I had. It was so embarrassing. The hall was so quiet you could hear a pin hit the floor, and there I was, blowing my nose away. Damn the dripping mucus! And I was drinking so much water to 'push' the mucus down (I do not know if there is any science- sense it that.) and it only resulted in a full bladder. I had to pee at 10:15am if i remember correctly. I told myself, after answering this question, raise your hand and go the toilet. I answered the question on my paper and I decided not to raise my hand because there were no girl teachers around me at that time. When 2 female teachers did come and stood around me, I still did not raise my hand because I was too shy to walk down the stretch of aisle, between friends who were still doing the paper. I was one of the first few front ones, so there were a lot of people I had to pass by before I can get to the exit door. So, that's right. You guessed it! I held it in until 11:34am. I actually thought I felt kidney stones forming as I patiently waited.
So my experience during the paper was a bad one. I could hardly recall myself doing the paper. I really did not give a damn about the paper and I still do not. Maybe it is the fact that I know I can take it again next year, although I absolutely do not want to. Maybe it could also be the fact that MT does not really matter in the rank points system. I do not know. And I just do not care anymore.
Some would say it is better this way, because I should not get too affected by this examination. But whose to say that I would not be affected by the results I will receive afterwards? Gosh, what happened to me? Every examination was a matter of life and death for me. And now, I treated an 'A' Level paper with such apathy.
God, help me. Let's just hope that it just a phase I am going through. These are the last few days in school and I am just tired. And sick. I am sick and tired. Give me strength to carry on.
I want to care. Really.

Know this: You can't kill yourself by holding your breath. (Good to know.)