Sunday, February 1, 2009

Been There, Done That

Didn't think I will get away this week with a post of just pictures, did you? Well lately, there has been a lot of things going on. Too much to post about and a little too insignificant to share.
However, Monday is a pretty special day. The new batch of junior college students are coming! How exciting... It will be great to see new faces. Quite frankly, this excitement is selfish. Finally, we get to feel like we have the upper hand, a little more experience, a little wiser. For we are the seniors.
I remember my first few days in SAJC. So unfamiliar, timid, awkward and out of place. Like a square peg in a round hole. One of the most uncomfortable experiences ever, alongside the other 'firsts' in my life. Sends chills down my spine just thinking about it. With that I am thrilled that I have successfully gotten past that. I met great friends to keep me company during the breaks, I have a CCA, I know the teachers and vice-versa, I know the different blocks by heart, I know the schedule for the buses to the school, I know all the ways to get home from there, I know what Moodle is. I am settled. So familiar, no longer timid nor awkward and very much in place. Like a square peg fitted nicely into its rightful hole.
For me, coming from a secondary school where I was very much part of the school, and the school part of me, makes a new environment like this strange and difficult to adapt to. People do not know me here. So this transition is the hardest for someone like me. From being a somebody to a nobody.
I guess what I am trying to convey is, if I can do it, anyone can. Of course the awkwardness will make you want to wail "I want to get the hell out of here!" but you just have to suck it up. Moreover, remember that you are not the only one feeling afraid. No longer will there be the first-3-months kids that will prance around as the know-it-alls. Everyone is in the same boat as you. (Well except the DSA kids, but that is just a small portion.) Everyone will pull through, together. I believe there is great comfort knowing that you are not alone.
Bottom line, things will get better and everything will turn out o-tay! Believe you me, Fresh Meat. Believe you me.

Know this: There are over one hundred billion galaxies with each galaxy having billions of stars.