Last Wednesday, we went back to the Old Folks' Centre to finish another 2 hours for our CIP. Although it was at 8pm, and all of us had a tiring day at school, I still had fun. It was karaoke night and it was exciting to see the old follks excited as they clapped along. I interacted with some of them and I was not surprised that most of them understood Malay. I had fun. I must mention, some of them looked really adorable!
Moving on, yesterday, I participated in yet another All-Comers Athletics Competition, in the 200m event. My timing remained consistent, but I had hoped for an improvement. On the bright side, I saw that super adorable boy again. But of course, the standard brief glances, and we went our separate ways. Great to see him again, anyway.
And regarding my previous post, which somehow raved some very much appreciated concerns, I would like those who actually gave a damn to know that I am fine now. I realised that if I were to let this anxiety get to me, it will cloud my everything. I cannot afford to be afraid and lose focus, as time is of the essence. It is still not too late, if I start now. So do be understanding and supportive when I choose to bury myself with my studies. When it comes to revision or doing homework, I am more productive when I am alone. It's nothing personal. It's just the 'A' Levels.
And coming from a position where I was never in the bottom, the situation for me right now is difficult, to say the least. Remedials, counselling, pep-talks with my CT, Parent-Teacher (maybe HOD)- Meeting... I mean, I never had to worry about these things before. But now... I guess it is for my own good. Well, I suppose there is a first for everything. So I will just have to suck it up, swallow my pride, build a damn bridge and get the fuck over it, with grace.
I may not be 'fixed' just yet, but a work in progress, indeed.
I'm too shy to ask. I'm too proud to lose.
~Westlife "If I Let You Go"
Know this: After eating too much, your hearing is less sharp.