Friday, April 17, 2009


Told you the number '13' haunts me. Anyway,I had my Nationals this week. My performances for my 200m and 100m events were fair, I personally feel. I have been told that for someone without the secondary-school-days training advantage, I did well. I know I did my best. And somehow, with a strike of good luck, plenty of prayers and a miracle, I qualified into the semi-finals for the 100m event. I was utterly shocked. I was ready to sell my spikes to the juniors that Tuesday. I remembered vividly during the 100m heats I told myself that that was the last race that I will ever run in my whole entire life, so might as well 'run like hell' (Aqila if you are reading, *winks). And I did. I was convinced that I would not qualify into the semi-finals, looking at the other girls. They were all so confident. Although I did not qualify into the finals, I was glad that my 2 years of training under coach were not entirely in vain. Although I am happy that this is all over, I am grateful for this opportunity. So to the other sportsmen and women of SAJC whose season may not be over, I wish you all the best!
But give it a month or so, I think I will miss my Track trainings. This is it. No more trainings for me. No more Dynamic warm-ups. No more pick-ups. No more starting-blocks. No more King Tut's pyramid work-outs bullshit. No more hurdles. No more Core exercises. No more.
At the same time, no more Coach's sarcasms. No more of the sprinter boys' jokes. No more feeling of satisfaction after a great work-out. No, no more. All these I say in melancholy. There will be things I miss, for sure. But I am glad that I have been through everything and I came out of it all, alive. Trainings were tough, but there were definitely good times I shall cherish forever (*cue the violins).
On Thursday, I had my 2.4km run. It was my personal best ever and I think it has largely to do it being the last 2.4km run of my whole entire life. So, must 'run like hell' (Aqila,*winks) I just hate it so much and am very extremely ecstatic that it is over. No more 2.4 forever and ever and ever baby!
So this whole week, I did a whole lot of running. Not to mention rushing back from the Choa Chu Kang stadium to school for a Math test, Literature timed-assignment and my LAST 2.4km run, on all the respective days I was not in school in the morning because of my races.
Today is Friday and I feel very accomplished. However, I have a pile of homework and revisions to do, so I should probably get to it right this second.
By the way, I should probably take this opportunity to thank my PW group mates for co-operating and achieving the 'A' together. We sure as hell deserve it, kiddos!

'When you like someone, just go and talk to them.' Right.

Know this: The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910.