Friday, June 5, 2009

Mission Possible

I would like to thank Mummy Dearest for accompanying me around Singapore yesterday. Thank you for not complaining when we got lost and when I was walking too fast and left you behind (like, way behind). Thank you for listening to me talk, talk and talk about that somebody, for hours. I heart you! And I promise, the minute I get a boyfriend, I will not trouble you to accompany me for things like these again. Unless, you insist of course.
The plan we came up with is perfect. And I will execute it as best as I can. Although my part is rather small, albeit significant, the success of this mission has much to do with other circumstances as well, circumstances beyond my control. But if luck is on my side and life is kind to me (just this once), I'm sure everything will go smoothly and I'll make you proud, Mummy!

How could I not have seen this when it has been right there, under my nose all this time. Well, better late than never, they say. I AM SO EXCITED!

Know this: A recent study at Harvard has shown that eating chocolate can actually help you live longer.