Friday, May 29, 2009

The Love of Three Oranges

The college play was some time ago, but I think it is still worth mentioning. The play was a little different than what I expected, considering the proximity between the actors and the audience. But I liked the switch from the conventional way. A more refreshing and unique experience, is what it was. I must congratulate the actors and actresses for putting on a great show. And really they were really good. From their articulate speeches, to the projection of their voices, to their I-don't-care-how-silly-I-look attitude. They were in it 110%, I could tell. And having to perform 4 times, twice within a day, back to back must be really tough. But they lived up to the challenge and produced a commendable and admirable performance! Kuddos, guys. Also, I simply must mention, I loved the door gifts.
Of course, what is an outing with my girls without our usual photo-shoots? We stayed out longer this time and sat by the bay to talk (I know, like we don't talk enough in school already, but we really LOVE to talk!). Had a blast, as usual, girls!

Trust me, I hated myself for doing it, again and again.

Know this: The force of 1 billion people jumping at the same time is equal to 500 tons of TNT.