Saturday, September 26, 2009

On The First Day of Raya, My True Love Gave To Me...

One whole day with my whole family, a special day it was indeed.
Most of my cousins are much younger than me so I can always expect the atmosphere to be a lively, albeit kecoh one, when we all get together. Oddly, it doesn't make me feel more matured. I tend to take advantage of the opportunities to spend time with them and be child-like too. It's just more fun.

My family decided to go golden this year. I thought it was highly original, but I came to realise that we were not the only ones clad in gold that day. Nevertheless, we still turned heads (but that could simply be because of other reasons, but I choose to believe the aforementioned). By the way, I usually decide on the colour for my family, being the shopping Queen in my family. I supposedly know what I'm talking about when it comes to fashion and trends, and what's 'in' and what's 'out'. But really, it simply depends on my mood. Still, I intend to hold on to this authority for as long as I live.
Also, on that particular day, at a particular hour (or 3), my heart cleared up some space. There is still some clearing up to do, but one day that space will be completely empty for someone more worthy to fill.
Anyway, I cannot wait for Raya to come again. I'm already thinking of the colour for next year. I'm thinking purple...Or, white? Famz, what say you?

And this is my family...
Wishing you
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfirtri
Maaf Zahir & Batin
Have a good one!
Know this: A goldfish has a memory span of 3 seconds.