Thursday, September 3, 2009

Will You Love Me Again Like You Loved Me Before?

Status Quo. It's about time, Blogger dear.
A sudden urge to post something tonight (or morning).
Math paper was alright today. Manageable. Then again my expectations for the manageability in Math is rather low. So as long as I don't skip an entire 13-mark question, you can say that it's manageable. I really hope I do well this time. Not only is the result (should it be positive) important to boost me for the big As, but I sincerely do not want to disappoint Jules, my math teacher. Whatever it may be, I shall continue to work hard for this particular subject. Because the truth is, I love math. Ah, another case of unrequited love, it seems.
I find the examinations to be my form of escapism. Which is a good thing since I really don't want the disruptive nature of the things going on in my head to jeopardize what is utmost important right now. No matter what the teachers say, the A levels is crucial, as it determines a major part of the rest of my life.
So pimples may break out, favourite television shows may be missed, beauty sleeps may have to be put on hold. Oh come what may. We shall conquer it all.

" Victory's within the mile
Almost there don't give up now
~ Run This Town Rihanna, Jay-Z, Kanye West
Off the top of my head, I think Farhan from Singapore Idol is really cute. And here are some pictures from the National Day I spent with my extended family. I miss Nannan to death.
Know this: Cherophobia is a fear of fun. (Didn't know there was even such a thing? Well, that makes it the two of us.)