Thursday, October 15, 2009

"I'm so gonna blog about today."

Today was the Farewell Assembly for the graduating class of 2009. And yes, it was an emotional roller-coaster ride. One moment I was smiling, the next I was choked- up, then I was laughing hysterically (especially during the PE Department's video). After I had a blast with my class at Pastamania (my fave!) for a final outing before...well, you know.
Honestly, I woke up today not knowing what exactly to expect. All I knew was there was going to be speeches, and a lot of the "This will be your last lap"s. But I had not expected to be so very moved by Ms Hon's speech and the videos from the teachers. The teachers often used the analogy of us preparing for battle: A Levels, that is. And in this span of two years, the teachers have been training us and putting us through mock-ups of the battle. During the journey I, personally, have cried my eyes out over failures and rejoiced at my successes I had worked so very hard for and achieved. So here I am today, (almost) fully-equipped with all the ammunitions and armaments that my teachers can ever possibly afford. Now there is nothing else left for them to impart or give, except 'best wishes' and 'good luck'. And so we're off...
I had wished so fervently for today to be the last day of school, forever. When 'farewell' actually meant farewell. But today isn't the end, for at the end I will feel relief. I did not feel relieved today. Because I know that up ahead is the most important thing in the whole universe that I must go through and conquer. Although it scares the hell out of me, there's no turning back. And I know that the faster I trudge through this fifty piles of shit, the faster I will reach the light at the end of this sewage tunnel. So when I do reach the end, and I mean 'the end' the end, I will... just be glad that I've reached the end.
So no, I will not say what I will miss about SA. I will not say what I have lost and what I have gained. Not this time. Not yet. I will not bid farewell because this isn't goodbye. I'll see you at the battle, remember?

The Best Teacher in the Whole Wide World and Beyond, Ms Soh
(Congratulations on your engagement!)

The Most Passionate and Beautiful Teacher in the history of Mankind, Ms Hon

(Congratulations on your engagement, too!)

The One that has stuck by me from Day 1

We are just wayy too cool for school, baby!

Know this: A snail's reproductive organs are in its head.