Monday, November 26, 2007

Things I'll Never Say

People always say that if you feel something for somebody, you should tell them how you feel because who knows, they might feel the same way. And I totally agree. But boy is it a whole different story when you are the person that's supposed to confess your feelings towards someone else. It's no surprise that every teenager has a crush on another. I do. For 3 years to be specific. Nobody knows about it except for my family. That's right, I tell them everything. Only because I know they will never let the cat out of the bag. My rationalization has not been proven wrong. Anyway, I recently saw him. I couldn't help to think that it was going to be the last time I will ever see him. Except when we receive our results but we both probably would be too engrossed in our fate. After that, we both will be pursuing different tertiary paths. Sometimes I hope that a miracle were to happen and he would tell me that he felt the same way about me too, like in the movies. But this is the real world. For that to happen I would have to see a pig fly first. The most important quality that I want from a boy is that he likes me just as much as I like him. Therefore, he has to like me enough to pluck up his courage to tell me how he feels about me. Obviously, judging from my current single status, no boy has ever liked me that much. My friend once told me that this was the 21st century and the girls should be the ones to break the ice. Personally I believe some things are better off kept traditional. So I guess I am a perfect example of the notion that I have stated earlier, about the person you like might like you back and is just waiting for you. So boys, man up and tell your crush how you feel. As for the girls, I understand. What's worse than not having your crush know how you feel is to let them know and not hear the response you truly desired. I get it, some things are just hard to say. So for now, how I feel about him is just one of the things I'll never say. By the way, check out 'Things I'll Never Say' by Avril Lavigne. You can't imagine how true it is for me.

Know this: It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.