Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Chronic Boredom Patient

I am so sick of doing the same things again and again everyday. I am dying of boredom and it has reached to a fatal stage, seriously. But the irony of it all is, this is something I have been praying for since I can remember. That is because I have never had a real holiday, a holiday that requires you to do absolutely nothing but to rejuvenate, hibernate and simply reminisce about what you have done with your life so far and what you want to do with it ahead (cheesy, I know). I never had that before. That was because holidays used to be the period the teachers in school take advantage of to somewhat threaten us to catch up on our revision or give us mounts of homework to prepare us for the lessons in the following semester or the next year. Or there will definitely be our CCAs and other commitments such as the Student Council. Sometimes there are camps, which could be fun if you are with the ones you know you're going to miss during the holidays. Yeah, just being able to see him one last time before the New Year's is simply relieving. Anyway, I recalled a chat I had with Natalia, a brilliant friend of mine, before the Olevels ended. She oddly has the exact same past time as I did --sleeping, that is. We planned on hibernating during the holidays. Just sleep, sleep, sleep and yes, you've guessed it, sleep some more! Now, I am actually tired of sleeping. By the way, here is my daily itinerary: waking up at 1130am, having unhealthy breakfast-- Mee Soto, watching Ellen DeGeneres, playing Solitaire on the computer while listening to my MP3, watching videos on YouTube, have a shower and then random shows on the TV the rest of the day. Pretty exciting, huh? Not! Oh I have to get some excitement and thrill in my life again. I hate that I am complaining that I have absolutely nothing to do. I should be embracing this opportunity and savour it even. But all this time in my hands is making me insane, useless, lazy and fat, even. Worst of all, it's making me think, about my Olevel results, my friends and whether I am ever going to let him know how I feel about him. I watched The Holiday twice these past couple of days. The character known as Iris, played brilliantly by Kate Winslet, said that she had experienced the cruelest and worst kind of love of all-- the unreciprocated love, the one- sided love. She said people like that were cursed and were known as the walking wounded. Iris had been in love with a man for three years, but unfortunately, he does not feel the same way. How sad, I thought. What's even more sad is, that was me. I am the walking wounded. The only person that can save me? You know. Sadly, he doesn't.

Know this: Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning.