Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Why I Absolutely Detest...

I am seriously going out on a limb as I confess my absolute hatred towards Orchard Road, or more commonly recognized as Town. I do realise that every teenager on the face of Singapore almost treats this over-rated place as the Holy Ground. They go there with their friends and have 'a ball of a time'. For them, it is indeed the 'it' place or the 'hot spot' if you will. But through my eyes, Orchard Road is nothing but a place of attraction for pretentious teenagers. They simply go there to feel good about themselves as they are surrounded by people like them. Power in numbers, right? They claim it's cool to be seen there or telling people they were there. I honestly don't know whether to throw up or buy them "'Get A Life' for Dummies" book. Look around when you do venture that place, look at what they are wearing and more importantly, what they are doing-- nothing basically. Maybe at most they window shop. Note the word 'window' before the shopping. That's right, they never buy anything (alright, maybe a pair of $1.50 ear-rings). Everything's just way too expensive. Well of course they are expensive. Orchard Road is a tourist attraction in Singapore. It is supposed to be. It's located in the center of Singapore. Orchard Road is one of Singapore's financial sources. The merchandise sold there ain't for us. Teenagers that hang out there are just polluting the area. A sore sight for the tourists. What the teenagers do and wear there are going to be mistakenly reflected as the lifestyle of every Singaporean teenager. That is just absurd and appalling. I personally do not want to be wrongly regarded.
Orchard Road is also always so crowded with delusional people. People who think that they are in the US. They feel westernised--Americanised, with their "cool" shades. They wear skimpy clothes as though they have the goods to flaunt in the first place. Even the cinemas are always jam-packed but yet many people just can't seem to think of any other cinemas other than Cathay.
I am just so sick of it. Orchard Road is nothing but a delusional get-away for pathetic teenagers who feel lost in the real world, so they call upon the rest of their good-for-nothing friends and attempt to feel accepted in a place full of people just like them. For goodness sake, lose the make-up, put on some decent clothes, pick up a book or two and search for your self- respect. I'll probably lose some friends over this post-- those who worships this so-called Holy Land. You have to admit, I have guts and I don't have to step foot in Orchard Road to get some. You know the 3 wise monkeys-- Mizaru, Kikazaru and Iwazaru? I simply apply that to my not going to Town- I will not see evil, hear evil or speak evil. But that is just my opinion, as I speak my mind on why I have always detested Orchard Road, bitches.

Know this:The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.