Thursday, January 3, 2008

A Brand New Year... Already?

My oh my! 2008 came in a hurry, didn't it? Well I would think that because 2007 was indeed a hectic and flustered year with my Olevels, prelims and mock exams. Too much studying that time sort of went by. Gosh I thought the saying was 'time flies when you're having fun', not 'time flies when you are stressed and have your face buried in your school books'. I guess that saying is new.
Anyway, 2007 was a crazy year for the celebrity world wasn't it? Well there's Britney Spears to say the least, then Lindsay Lohan in and out of rehab, Jamie Lynn Spears latest pregnancy announcement, also the planned pregnancy of Christina Aguilera, Jennifer Lopez, Nicole Richie (well not too sure if that was planned or not), Paris Hilton jail- term, then there were also unfortunate deaths, like Kanye West's mother Donda West, Anna Nicole Smith and the legendary James Brown (Rest In Peace for them all), then our own Hady Mirza was also crowned the first Asian Idol, not forgeting the Team Singapore who won a record- breking number of gold medals-47! Congratulations to them all!
Wow! A lot went on for them. As for me, 2007 was also memorable. I experienced my very first allergy reaction in my entire life. I was covered in hives during the September holidays. I will never forget how grotesque I looked then. I also started this blog thing, something that I never thought I would ever venture into, since I hate advance technology. I also became the Vice- President of the Student Council. Oh yes, Olevels happened too.
Now stepping into 2008, I feel rejuvenated. As though I have a second chance to start things over again. I promise I will do things better this time. I'll be more sociable and friendly, since that is an essential requirement now that I'm entering into a new tertiary institution. I will also be more brave and vocal to issues that matter. I used to be too shy to ask and too proud to lose, but that will all change.
Every new year is an opportunity given to us to do things over. Some of those things we encounter may not be the same as the year before, it's usually tougher actually, but as for those things we have been through, like studies in general and your friends and family, we now have a chance to make things right. This is our shot to be a better person. Let's just take it.

Know This: . When you blush, the lining of your stomach also turns red.