Friday, January 4, 2008

Cares up in the Air are now Tumbling Down

Man, it's crunch time. The thought of my Olevel results are kicking in already. As the money in my household dries up, I find myself at home more often than usual. Naturally, thoughts are sinking in, both positive and negative ones. in the beginning of the holidays it was like, 'throw your cares up in the air and I don't think they're comin' down'. Now the 'cares' are raining on me! I am truly shaken up by the possibility of me not doing well for my Olevels or worse-- I fail my EL subject. I have this disgusting gut feeling that I wrote out of point. My sister and I have been deliberating the topic for my Olevel composition. What the hell is 'reputation'? How the fuck is is different from 'expection'? If they mean the same thing then why wouldn't they just use 'expection' , a word we are more comfortable and familiar with when used in a sentence like 'live up to her expection' not reputation. That could only mean one thing then, there is an underlying trick to the word. The examiners must have been looking for something in our composition that justifies the fact that we do know the EXACT definition of reputation. Oh man I'm screwed.
Anyway, the worst that could happen is I end up the Institute of Techincal Education. Boy, will I be the misfit there. The squeaky- clean girl who didn't live up to her expection. (See how easy that sentence was. Damn it!) My friends are almost certain that I will do well. So the pressure is on. On top of all that, my family are counting on me to admit into a junior college. Easier said than done, dear!
Personally, I want to go to a junior college. My target is Nanyang Junior College. I would have to achieve an L1R5 of 11, since I wish to enter into the Arts stream. My target aggregate is 12, and with the deduction of the CCA points, I would be fine. I am so scared. I don't know how I'm going to react once my name is called out to receive my results. I would probably faint. I just don't want to cry. Maybe tears of joy, but definitely not of sadness and disappointment. To have to confess to my parents the bad news, I might just kill myself.
To any other person, it's probably not a big deal if they don't do as well as they expected, but it means the world to me if I don't do as well as everybody expects me to.
Well, when the day comes, it's do or die, sink or swim. It's really only up to the one that is above us all. As for me, I can only pray.
To lighten up your spirits after reading such a depressing post, here are some pictures of me and my family in the care- free days for your viewing pleasure.

Know this: Butterflies taste with their feet.