Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hanging In There

Things are currently looking up for me. No cliques yet so I am more of a drifter-- of friends that is. Today I just got to know of my classmates, those that I am 'stuck' with for the next 2 years of my life. It really sucks, by the way, all thanks to the PAE system which I harshly condemn. A majority of them were from the PAE so they are already settled and comfortable, even with the teacher. I love the teacher because she is so kind and concern about us. She even specifically told the 1st- intakers to not stick with each other, but to mingle with the newbies, to make us feel welcomed. She really was a great consolation for me. Currently I am hanging out with 2 malay girls from my class. But they are closer to each other than they are to me. So they tend to stick together and leave me out at times. But it's ok. I am just grateful that they allow me to join them. By the way, they both are intelligent people, both scoring 8 and 9 points (raw). Crap! 13 doesn't sound impressive anymore, not where I am anyways.
So I really apologise for not updating sooner. I was really busy catching up with the curriculum. I took a personality test once and it stated that I hated changes. Indeed I did, or I do. This transition phase to fit in to the rest of the JC students especially those from PAE is so painful, sometimes I feel like crying. I also found out that the guy I have been eyeing on is 'unavailable' (in more ways than one).
I miss everyone. I miss everything I was familiar with. I miss fitting in. I hate change. But I'm hanging in there. Things will get better sooner or later. Right?

By the way. I had a blast with my 4 Truth class the other day. I will post up the pictures and blog about it when I feel a little more enthusiastic about life.

Know this: The owl is the only bird to drop its upper eyelid to wink. All other birds raise their lower eyelids.