Saturday, March 1, 2008

I Miss Them Already

Last Saturday, I had the long anticipated 4 Truth reunion at Sentosa. Funny, because it has only been 2 months and yet I miss them already. I bet they too feel the same way. Although not many who came, the small group was enough to transform the day into a fun one! We were ALL friends, you see. We were close, unfortunately only towards to the last part of our year together. By then, we were all going separate ways.
At Sentosa, we basically spent most our time under the sun, catching up on old times and our future endeavours after secondary school. It felt really good to see familiar faces again and to know that I fit in with them. We also played in the sand, where we buried Aqila and turned her into a beautiful mermaid! Vanessa, Ivan and Bertram went swimming, while the rest of the guys went to play soccer. The girls tanned, I guess. Oh, I just love them.
I really hope we have more gatherings like these. I vividly recall Mr Wong, my lower secondary DNT teacher, saying that our secondary friends were with whom we form the closest bonds with in our lives, during one of my first few days in secondary school. They are the ones you go back to and miss. Of course, back then I was pretty ignorant and thought that it was going to be my primary school gang for life. But now I truly understand what he meant. He was right.
By the way, my JC social life is improving and I am much happier than before. I am starting to open up and conversations are easily made. So, I am doing fine, guys.

Here are some pictures to remember the 4 Truth '08 by...

Pretty Vanessa Chia

Take one... Failed.

Take two... Failed also, but it was fun!

Beach Spice Girls Drama-ing!


Pretty little Mermaid!

Soaking up the Sun!

It was Siti's Birthday that day!

Behind the Construction of the Mermaid are...

Thanks for the fun, guys! I really needed it.

Know this: A full moon is nine times brighter than a half moon.