Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A Positive Outlook

I think it is pretty clear by now that the changes I am experiencing in SAJC is tough. But I have decided to not sulk anymore and to look at the glass as half full-- to have a more positive outlook on how my life is. Let's break it down for a minute, the long journey to school and back has made things more interesting. One morning, I experienced a rather odd encounter with this mentally- challenged boy (as my sister claimed). He asked me random and weird questions. It really left a deep impression on me. I also get to witness people during the morning rush. Everyone seems to be racing to the MRT station every morning, influencing me to pick up my pace as well. It's almost as if there is a time ticking for us to get on the train. How exciting! And on my way home, I get to meet more strangers from all walks of life. After school today, a senior citizen lady sat next to me, a little to close for comfort! I could barely move my right arm. Serves me right for sitting in the green seats. Now, I have more stories to share. Long journeys are always fun! I often look forward to them.
As for my studies, maths is a little confusing since tutorials have not started yet. Damn lectures are so ineffective! I just set for my very first test today, Econs. It was an MCQ 5-question paper and if we were to fail the test, we have to come back during the March Holidays for remedial. I studied like crazy yesterday-- the whole day dedicated to Econs! And yet, I still found the test tricky. I hope I pass it though!
My social life is also improving. I am currently clique-ing with Farina and Amalina. Intelligent ladies but still fun to be around.
Right now, I just have to finalise my CCA. CCA sign up is this Wednesday and I am still unsure of which CCA I would like to sign up for. Most probably I would join the Debate Club since I have always been impressed with debaters.
My only unhappiness lies on an issue known to only an elite few. Loyalty and fate are really being put into question here. Show me a sign.

Know this: 80% of arrested criminals are male.