Saturday, March 22, 2008

A Crash Course

It has been 6 days since I last updated my blog. Not that there was nothing to post about, there certainly were, but time is not exactly on my side right now. I have been coming home late, doing my assignments and then watching TV shows, to keep my mind sane from all this JC- madness. So here are the essentials that would more or less sum up what I have been through these past few days-- a crash course.
Well, earlier this week, I tried my very first sushi at Ramen Ten. After that experience, I think the company should change its name to Ramen Two upon Ten (2/10). I really didnt like sushi. It was different and a little out-there for me. I think I'll settle with the more conventional cooked food next time. But at least I have tried it. Now I won't be those 'how-can-you-say-you-don't-like-it-when-you-haven't-even-tried-it' victims. It was a good experience and it did not traumatise me into never trying new things again. So I am basically up for anything new next time.
I am really getting to know my classmates better now. They are really people I could hang out and joke around with. We dislike the same teachers, didn't understand the same things and were excited for the same subjects. I really like them and this is just the beginning of something ger-rate!
Yesterday, I went for my very first track and field training, which I have been anxious for since I heard about it. As I was being a baby about it the whole day yesterday, my class rep.,Renee, told me that Monique was also planning on joining track and field! What are the odds? The very person I have been looking for that will get me through the whole training was right under my nose all this time-- my classmate! Monique is fun and down-to-earth. More importantly she was positive all the time. So I really needed her at that moment. Funny how life works out sometimes. 'Life has a funny, funny way of helping you out,' by Alanis Morisette in Ironic. During the training, I pulled a muscle in my right calve and it cramped. I sat out for the last 5 out of the 12, 100m dash we did for 2 sets! It was not really tough for me, considering I have not run for ages! So things will get better I suppose. The people there were great and friendly. Although the JC 1s were a small group, it was still enjoyable. As Monique was the only one who was not experiencing any sort of exhaustion, since she was a long distance runner and the training required more of stamina than speed, Alicia and I were both panting our lungs out because we both have not ran for so long and we both were sprinters. So I was really happy to know that I have a friend who is going through the same things that I was. So to sum up, track training was much much better than I expected it to be plus the weather was so merciful and was such a blessing! But if I get through the council selection process, it would really be hard to choose. I'll see how it goes.
I watched Satu Jam yesterday to see Syarif and I realise I don't really fancy him anymore. I am also beginning to realise that I don't fancy my JC-crush as much either. Mainly because it seems to be going nowhere. I am close to done.
Really apologise for this late update. Happy Good Friday to all!

Know this: A woman's heart beats faster than a man's.