The March Holidays started with a bang, for me. I met up with my secondary school friends, the Muslim Community! Those who were able to make it were Aqila, Nurul, Siti and yours truly. Emerlia and Nadia were missed. We went to Marina Square to eat at Burger King and gossip. Then we went to the Esplanade Rooftop to take pictures and gossip some more! We shared anything and everything, from who we thought were cute in SAJC and IJC. We talked about 'betrayals' and German guys. Yeah, that was fun! But we made a pact, whatever happened there, stayed there! Then Siti went off to meet her family, and so Nurul, Aqila and I went to Starbucks for coffee. There, we deliberated about what I should do with my SAJC- crush, whether I should act on it or not. Nurul even tried to coach me on how to take a picture of him without him realising. Yeah, I don't think the photo- taking thing will work out. It's hard for me to be subtle. Anyway, I had a blast with the 3 of them! I hope we can meet again real soon for updates on our schools respectively.
Hopefully, there will be good news to share next time. Here are some pictures captured on that fant-abulous day I had with my girls!
Know this: A lump of pure gold the size of a matchbox can be flattened into a sheet the size of a tennis court.