Saturday, March 29, 2008

"Welcome to the JC life!"

Oh my goodness gracious! I hardly have time to watch television lately, except for American Idol but just David Archeleta's performances only. Things are really hectic for me in school. There are piles and piles of assignments everyday. I have 2 books to complete reading for Literature by next week. I have tests stacking up and the PFT is freaking next week. Just shoot me!
Track and field trainings have been all right, I guess. The coach seems nice. The only thing is my stamina, as it is at its all- time low. But I guess that is why trainings include rounds around the track. So I'm certain that I will regain my stamina and train up on my speed again. "Everything's gonna be all right." -Alicia Keys' Noone.
Social wise, my friends and I are integrating more with the class. There are certain issues going around currently but my wonderful CT and friends are working on that. My classmates are also extremely nice people, willing to help and still fun to be around. Through our efforts, hopefully everyone is left unhurt.
I decided not to join the Student Council as it is rather taxing on time- management as a councillor, as so I've heard. I am really remorseful towards Jeriel who had placed high hopes for me to join him in the council. I hope he understands that I do not want to jeopardize my studies for an impressive resume for a university. Ultimately, the universities will look at your academic results first, above all. I am just thinking ahead.
I have also signed up for the Malay Cultural Society (MCS) aka Perbayu. They take part in competitions such as Public Speaking (Pidato) and Dikir Barat. I am really keen on mingling with the other malay kids and value our malay-ness. Also, I want to be part of school productions, so Dikir Barat is something really interesting to showcase.
All in all, I am still alive and breathing well. Except for my calves, which are severely cramped from the improper warm- up exercises. I had a major pull on my left calve last training where my whole calf was locked and shifted to the side. Alicia and I were fer-reaking out, man. Coach told my to get new shoes, as my current shoes are court shoes from my netball days, and drink plenty of water. Suggestions currently are taken into consideration.
Also, past memories have risen from the dead. I want to move on. He being there is really, really tough for me. But I just have to deal with it I guess. Regarding my crush, it is as close to over. But looking for another or rather a motivation to go to school is hard. But we'll see how it goes.
Shall update you readers next time. Really am apologetic about this uber late update post. To quote from my Econs teacher, the hot Ms Hon, after we complained to her about all the assignments we had to do over the weekend on top of her 2 essay questions, she simply replied, "Welcome to the JC life!" Some things are just better understood through experience. It really sucks. But remember, we are all in this TOGETHER.

I want to be great. The best, if I could. But more importantly, I strive to be a good person.

Know this: Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour. (It's starting to get really tempting at this point.)