Anyway, I attended a wedding today. The bride is my second cousin, I think. I don't even know her name, and that is how close we are. But the reason why I went was to meet my grandparents who will be 'balik-ing kampung' soon and I will not see them for quite some time. So here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure, until I return again this Friday or the weekends. Miss me when I'm gone.
For the record, whoever you are, I wish you two the best of luck in your marriage. The food was great and you two looked fant-abulous!
My Uncle, Nenek Gemok and Mommy DearestThe one and only picture I have of the newly weds. Shameless. But they looked great, from where I was.
Atok!! Looking good.
Alfizan is cute! As always.Hakim acts cool. The Ghetto called, they wanted their doo-rag back.Haziq was not feeling well today.Farihin is too good-looking for his age. He is a charmer.
I just had to take more pictures of him. It was irresistable.Hannan was not feeling well today either. Fever.
After some cheering up, he smiled for me. Ain't he cute?Ain't he really really cute? I love him and miss him already. Hope he gets better soon.
Know this: "Rhythms" is the longest English word without the normal vowels, a, e, i, o, or u.