Saturday, April 12, 2008

On One Side-- The Wrong Side

Most, I am certain, will be able to relate with this following issue. It is one that annoys me so very much, to the extent that I am actually blogging about it! It is rather blatant in Singapore hence, when I say that you, my fellow readers, may be able to relate to this situation, that could either mean you are a victim or the guilty one. I, for one, am an regular victim, unfortunately.
I am sure you have seen how some Singaporeans, when on buses, sit on the outer side of the seats, even when there is not anyone on the inner one, the seat by the window. I hate to be quick to judge them as inconsiderate and conceited people, for they may be alighting at the next stop anyway, so it will be more convenient to be on the outer seat. But, just a few hours ago, on the 56 bus home, almost all the seats were occupied, but only the outer seats. Thinking positive, as I always remind myself to, I figured that maybe the following stop was theirs. Sadly, my prediction was wrong. They did not get off the next stop, or the following one nor the next few stops for that matter.
Of course, the argument would be that they never really stopped us, victims, from sitting at those inner seats. But just like them, we refuse to experience the hassle of 'squirming' our big assets (i.e. school bags, or asses) when our stop happen to be before theirs. Furthermore, when they choose to enjoy the luxury of the outer seats, they are at the same time, forcing us to again squeeze in to our seats. For those who have never experienced such predicaments, I shall take the time to enlighten you, since I am, as I have mentioned earlier, a regular. When you are 'excuse me'- ing yourself in and out of your seats, with the unthoughtful passenger next to you, you risk the possibility of embarrassing yourself. You tend to be clumsy, especially if you are loaded with things to carry or extra weight. The passenger next to you just slide on to the side, so you would also have to make sure that you so not hit the man in the head with your enormous bag, whilst escaping the entrapment (although secretly I hope I accidentally do. Let fate take its course, as they say it.) When I am in the position where my fellow 'inner-seat' passenger is alighting before I do, I kindly get myself entirely out of the seat, just so that passenger can get a comfortable get-away. This is mainly because I have been in their shoes umteen times before and really hope that my next few bus partners will do the same for me.
Recently, I am seeing more and more of such inconsiderations. I am truly annoyed. Especially after a long day in school and my legs are cramped up from track training, I really just want to sit down. But with such people living here in our homeland, even sitting down and enjoying the scenes outside the bus during a long journey home, while listening to music, is considered a luxury.
Hence, I sincerely urge and hope to impress upon the importance of courtesy. It is nothing personal. Sometimes, I just really need to sit down.

Strangely, I miss the sound of your voice.

Know this: A kangaroo can't jump unless it's tail is touching the ground.