Saturday, April 5, 2008

Track and Field

My body is currently severely aching from my hamstrings to my thighs to my shoulders and to my abdominal area. All thanks to the recent track training. I am certain it will get worse tomorrow morning. Oh, the sore! You can only imagine the agony.One would assume that a rainy day would mean a less demanding training. But this is where the saying 'when you assume, you are making an ass out of you and me (ass-u-me)' comes into play. The rain forced the coach into training our fitness under shelter, in front of the General Office, to be specific. Although tough, it was still somewhat manageable as the coach gave us sufficient and yet reasonable time to rest before proceeding on with the training. The team was also very supportive of me as I struggle in the lunges.II was really behind all of them, understandably because I was just the junior of the pack. I can barely lift my arms because of the push-ups we did. And my thighs burn in pain as I climb up and down each staircase. At this point, I really want to get rid of my thigh muscles and buy new ones. That was yesterday.
Today was gym training, where we did several unusual exercises with exotic names. Of which were the Smith Machine Lunges and Squats, Medball Hamstring Curl Flip and Leg Flip, and the Hanging Knee Up. The gym trainer for the day was this really good- looking and adorable dude, but I am not really sure of his ethnicity, whether he is an American or British. His name is Scott. He had such impressive accent that draws you into listening to his soft-spoken words. He clearly said that if we were not sure of how to do those exercises, we should ask him. So Jamie and I, at first, thought of asking him just one question, about what was a Hanging Knee Up. Then we realised that we did not recognise any of the other exercises either. Hence, we swallowed our pride and asked that ever-so-easy-on-the-eyes trainer of ours about every single exercise. He patiently and skilfully demonstrated to us the various exercises. He was a good help. To my dismay, he is only a temporary trainer, and the actual one is on course. So, no more Mr. Good Looking for my viewing pleasure.
I am really starting to bond with the other trackers, mainly the seniors. The tough times in training really bring us closer together. We are now at the hi-bye level of the friendship tier and are consistently working towards the ultimate BFF level. The progress is rather promising, I must say.
All in all, Track training is tough and the hours are long. But good people and a good coach (and hopefully a good-looking physical trainer) make everything worthwhile. I choose to stay because of them.

Know this: "Billie Jean" by Michael Jackson was the first video to air on MTV by a black artist.