Saturday, June 7, 2008

Sundown Marathon 2008

Last Saturday, a day after my Pre-University camp, I had CIP to complete with my fellow track mates. We were the road marshalls for the Sundown Marathon 2008. We were stationed along the park near VJC and St. Patrick's School.
Our CIP strecthed from 8pm on Saturday to 8am on Sunday morning. We all sacrificed our sleep for those runners. But really, they were inspirations to us all. Some of them ran 84km while others ran 42km. I saw Ms Chng, my secondary school PE teacher participating in the 42km. I was so proud of her. Alongside her, there were many others, from all walks of life. Those who clearly trained for the marathon and those that entered with their lovers to take a slow, romantic jog. While they passed Josie and I, we cheered them on with words of encouragement such as "Keep going!", "Press on!", "You can do this!" and "Come on, all the way!". I tried looking them into their eyes when I encouraged them on, just so they know that I really do mean it. Most of them acknowledged with a nod and a smile. I was so touched. I hope they were touched too.
Then there were those that were very friendly and engaged in a conversation with me, while running. There was this man who wished me luck with the mosquitoes and I replied that I was equipped with Mopiko! He laughed his way on. Then there was this English man who wished me with words of encouragement of his own, "Don't fall asleep, now." What a kind man. A handful of them thanked us for staying up and sacrificing our sleep. It was really sweet of them.
The whole experience was such an eye-opener for me. Seeing people as 60 running the marathon, truly inspired me to do my best in Track. Although I did not make it into the team this year, I shall strive hard for next year. I will be more ready then. Until then, I wish all the members of the main team the best of luck in the Nationals this July, especially Monique, who has so much potential. Go get 'em girl!
Here are some pictures I took from Sundown Marathon. They are of really bad quality but I think they are pretty cool.
I really want to get to know you. Now it's too late.

Know this: Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.