Monday, July 7, 2008

You Are Not Worth It.

I changed my blog title again. Goodness, what is wrong with me? A sudden lapse of fickle-mindedness I suppose. I cannot promise this will be the last time. I hate to break a promise.
Speaking of promises, I promised a good friend to be subtle about this particular post. I cannot mention names for I know the consequences will be bitter.
Something unfortunate happened recently. Actually, a bunch of unfortunate things happened recently. To think that things would not get worse, I was informed of the worst on a particular day.
I wish not for any of the worst-case-scenarios that will result because of what has been done to ever occur in my presence, or behind my back, for that matter. If they do, it will be on you. I do not demand for an explanation but one would be nice. An apology would be good. Assurance that it will never happen again would be a blessing.
What was done, was done, and can never be undone. I forgive you if you are repentant but my soul is one that forgives but never forgets. People are flawed and that I accept. But when you repeatedly hurt someone and be completely oblivious about it, I begin to question the underlying intentions behind everything that you do and who you really are. I never asked for perfection from anyone. I simply suggest that you at least attempt to be a good person. You have failed me, yet again.
In that very moment, you were the most heartless person I know.
I never wanted to make a big deal out of small faults. However, they have accumulated to an extent that I can no longer dust it off my shoulders. I do not wish to be hateful but you have given me every reason to be as such.
I realise it is bias to only post about the good times in my life. No life is so wonderful. So life for me sometimes are not so sweet. I have my ups and downs. But I believe that there is no satisfaction without pain, and no happiness without suffering. When things do turn sour for you and all you want to do is curl up and die, think again. I will not worry my life away. It is not worth it. You are not worth it.

Know this: Apples are part of the rose family.