Monday, August 25, 2008

Blood Donation Drive on the 13th

On the 13th of August, was unquestionably a significant day for me, considering how I am obsessed with this auspicious number. I decided to donate blood! It was an exciting and memorable experience indeed. Truly worthwhile and no regrets. Although this happened a few weeks ago, I still have the experience etched in my mind, as I recall it vividly.
I would consider myself to be rather curious, or annoying (whichever, potato-potata), patient. I posed a lot of questions to the nurse. She was so sweet and nice enough to answer everyone of my queries. I was blessed that she was my nurse and made the whole experience an exhilirating and yet an informative one.
Frankly, I was rather apprehensive at first, and even more so when Farina could not do it with me. But along the way-- the doctor check-ups and the finger-pricking (which was more painful that the needles!), Naveen and this teacher accompanied me through it. So did my gal pals. When the first needle pierced through my skin, strangely, I felt nothing. This first needle was filled with pain-killer fluid. A common misconception I must correct, a pain-killer simply removes the pain but you are still able to FEEL. I felt the second, bigger needle pierce through then blood gushed out into the tube.A bag filled with my blood and a pink bandage for my wound and I was officially a blood donor!
However, I nearly fainted in the canteen after attending Econs lecture. Amalina said I turned pale and all. I was in the midst of queueing for food when everything just blacked out and I felt nauseous. Luckily, our seat was not far from the stall. I used every ounce of my energy and strength to walk towards our table to lay my head and rest. I guess I was walking around too much, and forgot that I had lost blood. Drank some milo, ate some food and a short rest with my head on the table, I lived to tell the tale. I was careless, but now I know-- 10% is a lot of blood!
I am certain that this will not be my last blood donation. I sincerely recommend it. It is for a good cause. They even gave us a pen with the saying 'I am a lifesaver' on it. If you are ever thinking of changing the world, or being a hero of some sort, this would be a great start.

I don't have to stick on this sticker anymore, the next time I donate.

Know this: The word “listen” contains the same letters as the word “silent”.