Monday, September 29, 2008

Post- Promotional Examination

I am back! You cannot imagine how much of a relief it is for me to be able to go on to the computer and update. I am so thrilled that the Promotional Examinations are finally over. A whole week plus a day of grueling test papers. I was studying until 2-3am in the morning only having to wake up for sahur at 4.30am. Then having to get up for school later at 5.45am. I was sleep deprived, favourite-tv-shows deprived. I did go out, however, with my family for Raya preparations and to break fast. Indeed, if it was not for Ramadhan, I will be in my room studying 24/7 straight. This fasting month has given me a reason to go out, spend time with my family and friends and basically served as a reminder for me to take a breather and relax.
Through the course of my ordeal during the exams, there were ups and downs. Generally, I thought the papers were relatively easier than the Common Tests. But I wish not to speak too soon, and go all "It was damn easy, sure can pass one!" because I cannot gurantee that. It was still tough and I am praying that I do well enough to get promoted.
As I surveyed around, I notice a prevalent sense of anxiety from friends and peers who feel that they may have not done well enough to qualify for year 2. I advice that you have faith in the Almighty. At this point, there is not much that we can do. The papers are done and sent for marking. Signed, sealed, delivered! If you believe you have done your best, then everything will be all right. We shall not dwell and let our anxiety devour us. Even if we do not get promoted, maybe it is the best for us. If we are genuinely not ready for the Alevels, then we are just not ready. Just know, my fellow friends, that everything will work out for the best.
As for those who have yet to sit for your Promotional Examinations or Olevels, I wish you all the best. Times will get hard, surely. When you feel that you cannot take anymore in. And the bed beckons. And people around you rub in your face how freedom comes earlier for them. Your situation just gets 10 times harder. But you must be patient and endure. Positive thinking is an imperative, otherwise you will go crazy, seriously. Always have the end in mind. Think about all the fun that you will get to enjoy after the papers, that will keep you going. Just tell yourself this is just something you have to do right now. Take enough breaks and study as hard as you can. The worst feeling in the world would be when you fail knowing that you could have done better. But there is no more time to 'do better'. This is when you do your best. All the hard work you have put in in the year all boils down to these lousy set of papers, which will, whether you like it or not, determine whether you graduate. So do your best. This is your only shot.
Until the papers are retrieved for the highly-anticipated verdict, I will update more enlightening news. The upcoming one will of course be Hari Raya which is not long coming. The timing is indeed impeccable. I am excited. Especially since I worked my ass off for the exams, I truly feel that I deserve to rejoice.
Project Work can wait. It is time to Party.

Know this: On average people fear spiders more than they do death.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Pre-Promotional Examination

I am in the midst of revising for Literature and No Fear Shakespeare requires me to access the Internet. So this hopefully justifies my brief visit to my blog.
Anyway, Promotional Examinations is this coming Monday, 2 more days to be specific. Terrified. Stressed. Nervous. Worried. Those are just a few adjectives that I can come up with at this moment to describe my feelings about the big exams. Revision is going rather slowly, but progressively. I probably am concentrating too much on one thing and my hopes in completing 5 chapters are crushed with the inevitability of only managing to wrap up 1. But with (almost) full comprehension. I should study faster, if there is even such a thing.
I understand that there are many out there who feel anxious about this whole thing. I empathize with you. We ALL do. But we have no time to stress about it now. We learn what we can as of now. Frustrations and fear will only slow us down and we tend to lose focus. So take a deep breath and study like there is no tomorrow. That is what I am planning on doing tonight even. Burning the midnight oil as they call it. Also, remember to study smart if you do not have time to study hard.
Remember to pray to the Almighty for help in time- management, focus and peace in your heart, which is probably racing like a runaway train. He will answer and guide you through. I know, rather uncanny for me to be all religious but at this point in time, when you are helpless, you have to turn the One that ultimately controls all things. God is good.
We will get through this, with prayers and hard work. Study till the very end.
We can and we will get promoted with grades of flying colours. Have faith.

And it is officially my big sister's birthday today! Congratulations for hitting the big 20, alive and healthy! You have done all of us proud with your success in teaching and all. Damn, you make it all look so freaking easy! Anyway thanks for all the chats to accompany me at night. Love you bee-yotch!

Know this: Roziana Bte Rosli was born on 20th September 1988.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Singapore Flyer on August 30th

On this day, my father's workplace had a Family Carnival, where all the firemen brought their loved ones to the Singapore Flyer to have food and games. Frankly, I was pretty excited for it. Riding on the Singapore Flyer was also such a wonderful experience. The view was remarkable from up there. Afterwards, we went to BayBeats at Marina. The music was no good, I have to admit. Singaporean bands really have to brush up on their songs and performances. I am no expert, but as an avid music fan, I am disappointed in our local bands. But that is a whole other topic, all together.
To sum up, had a blast with my family, as usual.
Know this: Orcas (killer whales), when traveling in groups, breathe in unison.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Service Learning on 26th August

On that special day, my classmates and I headed down to Evergreen Primary School to spend time with the under-privileged kids there. We were warned of their potential hyperness and their lack of co-operation. Still, we were not exactly prepared for what we had to face when they actually arrived to meet us.
My group in particular was exceptionally difficult to handle. They were running all over the place while some of their members were playing the games. I was rather disappointed in some for not wanting to participate in any of the games enthusiastically. I had to beg, plead and grovel so that our efforts in planning for the activties will not be in vain.
Suddenly, I had flashbacks of when I was a councillor in my secondary school and had to handle the fresh-meat kids in their orientation. It was so stressful that once I was actually in tears. Handling a group of kids by yourself can really take a toll on you. It is emotionally draining and you often feel like screaming at them. But you never should resort to that. Take a deep breath, let out a litte tear if you must, and persevere. At one point or another, they will listen to you. It just takes patience and sheer sincerity to get through to them.
Despite all the hardships, there were a few heart-warming moments with the children. There were some really adorable ones and those very co-operative who actually helped me hunt for their missing members. They even consoled two of my group members who were upset. I had two members who cried!
I must especially point out Syafiq, this potentially good-looking boy, who actually thanked me and my friends for coming down. He was also the most co-operative one there. A simple gesture of gratitude and I knew that my experience there was worthwhile because it had impacted at least one of them.
Overall, it was a great experience for me. And I am not just saying that. It was such an eye-opening experience working with kids with a unique background, an opportunity that I have never before been given. And I am grateful that I am now equipped with a sense of understanding and empathy for these children, who often give you a hard time, in public or wherever.
So when a kid is misbehaving right in front of you, just think "He must come from a broken family." That will refrain you from picking up the nearest steel chair and hitting him incessantly with it.
Hope your service learning was as fruitful.
Here are the captured memories... Enjoy!

Syafiq (Told you he was a cutie!)

And yes... Selamat Berpuasa to all Muslims.

Know this: 44% of kids watch television before they go to sleep.