Friday, November 7, 2008

Do Somethin'

Basically my holidays are mostly taken up by my Track trainings, not only in terms of the days but the timing too. I will be having training every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, from 4.30pm to 7.30pm. Translated, I will not be able to go out on these days because if I were to have a head-start on shopping in the morning, I will have to rush for training in the afternoon. I will not be able to enjoy myself then because my mind will be constantly bombarded with reminders about the training. And if I were to go out after training, I will be way too tired. And since I refuse to let the public see the horrendous me after training, I would want to take a shower and freshen up first. But getting home takes another hour and I will be even more tired to go out after 8.30pm. So on these three days, my time and energy are devoted to only keeping myself fit through Track trainings.
It is not that bad, to come to think about it. I still have 4 days out of the week to enjoy. Moreover, it makes the four days even more precious to me. If I could, I would want to drag my whole family out every day of the four days. In addition, since training starts at 4.30pm, I will never have to miss out on my beauty sleep in the morning. I can still sleep in as late as I want to.
I really do want to make this holiday a special one. My economics teacher, Ms Hon, once told my classmates and I that after the Promotional Examinations and PW, we MUST enjoy ourselves. We have to "really play", as quoted by her. She explains that when Year 2 starts, there will be no fun, no enjoyment and no freedom. It will be crunch time ALL the time by then. Many teachers consider Year 1 as the luxury year. Although, I personally was struggling in this supposed 'luxury year'. I could only imagine the intensity of next year.
So that is why I really want to have fun this holiday. I want to meet up with my secondary friends, even the Student Councillors, have an outing with my JC ones and spend more time with my family. If you happen to fall into any of the above categories, you know my schedule. Make my day and give me something to look forward to.
Whatever it is, I just want to do something.

Like accompanying my mother to Geylang (when it is not even the Raya season?!) to buy a selendang, for a fancy dinner my father and her are going to...

She started drinking the Coke, before it was paid for, which makes the drink haram. She felt guilty, can you tell?

By the way, I love this song. To those who are still looking...

This time
I wonder what it feels like
To find the one in this life
The one we all dream of
But dreams just aren't enough
So I'll be waiting for the real thing
I'll know it by the feeling
The moment when we're meeting
Will play out like a scene straight off the silver screen
So I'll be holdin' my breath
Right up to the end
Until that moment when
I find the one that I spend forever with
- 'Gotta Be Somebody' by Nickelback

Know this: Even when all the molecules in a single breath of air have been dispersed evenly in the earth's atmosphere, there will still be one or two of the same ones taken into the lungs with every subsequent breath. Every time you breathe in, you inhale one or two of the same molecules that you inhaled with the first breath you took as a baby.