Thursday, November 13, 2008

Right Back On Track!

I had dinner in school with my fellow track members last Tuesday. We had delicious pizza and sushi. I do not like sushi, so I did not touch those. Ms Tan apparently felt generous and decided to treat us all to the wonderful dinner we had, right after gym training. Thanks Ms Tan! It was really nice to eat together and grace each other with our presence. Of course we do that everytime during training, but it was nice to see each other relaxed.
Although I am the only girl in the sprinter team, amongst the mob of guys, somehow I still feel like I belong and I fit in. There are times where we have to get in pairs to do some drills and I will be left stranded like an abandoned child with my 4kg medicine ball. Then my oh-so-kind coach will go, 'Rose (yup, he must think I am a flower), you no partner, right? Come, I partner you.' That is when I know that it is alright being the only girl because coach will never make me feel alone. I have the BEST coach in the whole entire world. Moreover, the boys always make me laugh with their silly antics and their 'Go Ros, girl power!' before I run individually. I love it most when training ends and I'll go, 'Bye guys!' and they will simultaneously, like a kindergarten class say, 'Bye Ros!' They are indeed a sweet bunch. But just one more girl on the team would be a blessing, no doubt. Any takers?
Nonetheless, I am really glad that I decided to go back to running after my primary school days in KCP athletics team, and when I swore that I will never ever run again. We really had it rough back then when training was never something I looked forward to. Times got really tough for us 11-12 year olds. My only 2 driving forces were my friends and my competitiveness, my hunger to always come first. When I joined Netball in my secondary school years I realised how much I actually missed being on Track. And it would have been better for me too as I lacked stamina and I still do. When I was on Track, the focus was on building my speed, not stamina. So the sprinters were often excused from the distance running. However, Netball trainings always started with 10 rounds around the court. More often than not, I trailed behind. I hated warm ups. So at times, I hated Netball too.
Now I am fortunate to be running again. I may not be as good as I used to be (if I was ever good before), but I am working hard at it. I know I will not win any medals for the school, but I do want to represent the school someday in a competition. Let us just hope that I will not come in dead last, when I do wear the SAJC Track jersey one day. I will give my best in trainings and coach will help me too. Plus, the perks of being the only girl include having the guys as your bench mark. They push me to do better and be faster. We set the pace, you win the race. Of course there are other privileges, which include running half of 2.4km and an extended timing for dashes.
All in all, I am very happy to be in this CCA. Yeah there are days I just wished I never had a CCA at all, but the thought that it is for my own benefit, that I will gain a toned physique with a nice tan, is reason enough.
I guess my running days can never be considered as over. It is hard to give up something you know you are good at and have potential excelling in, no matter how much you may think you dislike it. Bottom line, it is great to be right back on track (get the pun?)!

Have a good one...

To a dear friend whose world may not seem so bright these past few days, know that I am here for you, for advice, comfort, a shoulder to cry on, a bodyguard that protects you from people probing you with questions when you clearly do not want to talk about it, or just a listening ear. Know that I care and that everything will be all right. Insya' allah. - From Mariah Carey to Avril Lavigne.

Know this: Eggs sink in water when they are fresh and float when expired.