Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Wonderful Reunion Indeed

On the 15th of December, I met up with 5 secondary school good friends of mine. It had been a long time since I have last met up with most of them, so I was extremely excited. It was nice to reminisce on the secondary school days, joke around and basically banter our night away. We had dinner at Pizza Hut, then headed to the Esplanade roof to take pictures, gossip and even played games; Concentration and 'Chucky Chucky Boom Boom'. Emerlia proudly introduced to us the latter game. Having desperately want group photos, with everyone of us in them, I had to set-up my camera on dustbins, bags and anything available to put it on self-timer. Then I had to position everyone and figure out where I would stand after clicking the 10-second capture button. It was drama! I really had to exercise my photography skills then. Unfortunately, some pictures were not centred or too bright, understandably since nobody was behind the lens. I tried my best, I promise! We went to the bay to take more pictures before we all went our seperate ways once again.
When with them, I suddenly realised how much I miss everyone and everything about my past. I miss the familiarity of the things and people around me, I miss the comfort of just being myself. We are all familiar with each others' antics and jokes. We get them, all. Sometimes, having brought up in different environment, other people may not necessarily understand a simple joke. That is the thing about the people you have known for a good, solid four years of your life-- you understand them. I hate having to restart everything and 'expand my social circle'. But I think the best part of that obligation is that I get to start with a clean slate. All my past mistakes I shall learn from and vow never to repeat them on my new friends. I can be a better person, a better friend that way. In essence, a part of me so badly wants to turn back time and put everything where they are supposed to be. But another part of me (which really is logic) tells me that that is not possible, so I have to make the best of what I have ahead.
Nevertheless, a walk down memory lane was wonderful and a blast indeed.
Emerlia, Aqila and Siti

Nurul, Moi, Nadia

Minah poses. It's on!

Try messin' with us, bitch!

Editorial shot. No?

Jump shot #1586. We took a lot, in vain.

We are awesome.

Know this: Studies have shown that by putting on slow background music it can make a person eat food at a slower rate.