Wednesday, January 7, 2009


As expected, everyone I know is scrambling through their holiday assignments and revision, as is yours truly. The nerves are kicking in, "Am I going to make it?".
Procrastination really takes the best of you after something as intense as Year 1 of college with the horrendous Common Test results and the Promotional Examinations, where stressful was an understatement. With less than a week left to the reopening to school, I am more than half-way through the holiday assignments. I tried to revise as I did the work so my revision is progressing too, I suppose.
The revelation of the whole experience is the amount of work I have completed in a day. With the pressure of knowing that school is starting real soon, I force myself to sit and finish the assignments and in just one day, I had a lot of work done. So I beat myself over the thought that if I had done it on the first day of the school holidays, I would not have to worry as I am doing now. If I really disciplined myself and was conscientious, all my assigments would be done by the 3rd week of the holidays.
Now I realise that it is not fair for me to mistreat myself this way. I am just saying this with the benefit of hindsight. I know now, only now, how screwed I am, that is why I wish I could turn back time. However the truth is, if I did go back in time I would not have changed a thing, because I would still want to enjoy myself and work-out in track trainings. I would have pushed my responsibilities back the same because I would want to have fun first before getting down to business. Similarly to what has already happened, I would be way to busy to think about the consequences of procrastination. I know the consequences. Everybody does. I know I will be screwed. But I was not sure of the level of 'screwed' I would be in. On the 'you-are-screwed-o-meter', I would say I am about a 7.5. But I chose to think positive and convince myself that I can finish my assignments (with quality, mind you) and revision in the nick of time.
Now that I realise that my feat will not be an easy one, I do wish I had more discipline than I do. It will be a race against time. But it is the holidays. Everybody gets ahead of themselves during the holidays. The current me has the advantage of hindsight that my past self does not. So I have to cut myself some slack. I cannot waste my energy panicking. Because the truth of the matter is, if I was my past self, I would have done the same thing. Unfortunately.

Know this: The coconut is the largest seed in the world.