Monday, February 23, 2009

Such A Happy Gal

A million and one apologies may not suffice for my long absence. I have been rather busy lately, with school and other commitments. Other times, I am just too tired from the business that I tend to choose sleep over blogging.
So now that I have a small little free time in hands, I shall update about events that have occurred since Valentine's Day. (Man, that feels like umpteen years ago!)
On the 14th of February, I had a date! With the track... I ran my first race that Saturday, the 200m event. Coach said I did well, although I felt I could have done better with more training. Not bad for a first time, I guess. It was a wonderful experience and very exhilirating. I really do hope that it will not be my last! Plus, seated next to me was the cutest boy that I have ever seen that day. I was grinning non-stop that it disgusted me, a tad bit. Shall not elaborate on this. (Or I will go on for hours.)
On Wednesday MCS conducted the Traditional Games Day. It was fun getting to know the J1s and I am glad they enjoyed themselves. A lot of room for improvement, but I am happy and relieved that it is done and over with. It caused unnecessary stress, I feel. Everything went smoothly and it ended on time. I am really thankful that the juniors were as enthusiastic as they were. It really did contribute to the success of the event. Kudos to all involved!
I watched Slumdog Millionaire with my classmates last Thursday as part of GP trip. It is safe to say that it is one of the best movies I have ever watched in my whole entire life! It is written.There was a perfect mix of sadness, happiness, anxiety, fear and passion in the movie. It was indeed eye-opening and worth it. I loved every second of it.
Last Saturday, some of my classmates, my girls and I enjoyed a play called 'The Importance of Being Earnest'. It was alright, I suppose. The costumes were nice, and the humour was enjoyable. But frankly, I did not gain much from it, unfortunately. However, after the play, my girls and I had a photoshoot in the beautiful infrastructure around the Victoria Theatre. So Tyra Banks, watch out!
I ended up meeting my one true love, Hannan, that night and our families chilled till the wee hours of the morning. Walking in my heels became unbearable that I took them off and walked bare-foot at the beach and the Jurong Point shopping centre. It was 3:00am in the morning so no one really cared. It felt...liberating. I felt like a hippie. Also, I bought the most gorgeous pair of shoes in the whole entire world that day! I am very very contented...
Though brief, I hope it keeps you interested in reading my blog, still. Block Test 1 is in 2 weeks. I shall declare my apologies now. Sorry in advance!

You so make my day.

Know this: The reason why flamingos are pink is because they eat shrimp which have a red pigment.