Saturday, April 25, 2009

When I was the Princess...

on the 21st of April. I turned a whole year older. I received some killer gifts this year, especially from my family. Of course, they did not consider them as presents because I always ask things from them and they will just get them for me, regardless the occasion. But this time, the things I received are pretty expensive. So much so that I was reluctant to accept some of them, while others I graciously (and readily) accepted. My generous father bought me an MP3 player which cost a bomb. My sister bought me a pair of 'to-die-for' sexy shoes and my mother bought me a black bag, one that I have been looking for for months. My best girlfriends in college bought me the prettiest water-globe, which I proudly display on my dresser. My class gave me a cake, which was without a doubt the best chocolate cake I have ever tasted. And no, I am not JUST saying that. It was not much of a cake, because there was more icing and chocolate cream than the spongy part of the cake, which is the part that I hate most. So each bite melted in my mouth and of course, made my teeth all brown. I actually find myself scanning through cake shops to find that piece of cake so that I can enjoy it one more time! Yes, it was THAT good. Certainly, not forgetting those who wished me good wishes on that special day personally, or via text- I truly appreciate it.
I cannot believe I am 18 already! I can legally go clubbing now and get my grind on! Right, like that is ever going to happen, even when I turn 80! Then again, maybe I should not speak too soon.
Anyway, I spent Special Tuesday studying for my history test. I did not mind as much as I probably should, particularly because (almost) everyday is a celebration for me- weekdays with my girlfriends and on weekends with my family. So my birthday, if not for the singing, the cake and all the self-indulgent attention (just look at the freakin' title of this post- GUILTY!), is a day like any other. And everyday is like a celebration on April 21st. Damn straight, aside from my studies, life is good.

Off to meet my secondary school girlfriends in the afternoon later. What should I wear?

Friends today. Complete strangers the next. We should be more consistent.
Know this: On the 21st of April 1944, in France, women received the right to vote.