Saturday, August 29, 2009

Who's Keeping Scores?

Examination-Heartache Update:

Prelims- 1
Me -0

Know this: It would have been Michael Jackson's 51st birthday today. Happy Birthday MJ! (PS: I want you back.)

With A Great Big Hug and A Kiss From Me to You

To me, you are the cutest baby alive! (This one is for Abdul Hannan, my 5 year old cousin.)
If I could switch bodies, it would be with yours. (This one is for Rihanna.)
Despite beating up my Idol, I am still a fan of yours. (This one is for Chris Brown.)
I love your cooking, eventhough I don't say it often. (This one is for Mummy Dearest.)
I know I got my 'funny' from you. (This one is for my father.)
I have always liked you. (This one is for that boy I secretly adore.)
I really want to bring back good news for you next year. (This one is for Ms Soh.)
I may not know soccer, but I tune in sometimes just for you. (This one is for Christiano Ronaldo.)
I look forward to you everyday after school. (This one is for the sitcom Friends.)
You are the most adorable old man, ever! (This one is for the Apek who sells newspapers at the Bishan bus-interchange and looks like a baby.)
I cannot imagine you in any other colour but purple. (This one is for Barney.)

I decided to be extra clear in who I am referring to in my post. It seems that some people are taking it upon themselves to make an ass out of you and me. Suddenly, it is all about them. Are you freaking kiddin' me?
There's so much more going on in my life than what is happening between us. Honey, your temper may flare but you just ain't hot enough to be the sun the Earth revolves around.
So I hope this particular post comes in crystal clear to you, the previous 2 posts were NOT intended for you. This, on the other hand, is specially for you. Then again, you probably already think that it is.

...Won't You Say You Love....Me.....Too....?

Know this: The “WALK” lights on Japanese street corners make a chirping sound so that the blind can know when to cross the street. (Eh, we have those in Singapore too!)

Friday, August 21, 2009

You Couldn't Tell Me To My Face

It has come to my attention that just as I am facing a predicament, you are facing a predicament with equal enormity as mine. Similarly, as my problem has very much to do with you (and the others, but mainly you), your problem has very much to do with me too. I see everything and I'm a fervent believer of the theory 'it takes one to know one'. So you may not be aware that I see right through you.
I didn't like the things you said and shared. It crushes me to have to listen and see. I understand your intention. Not a fan of it, but I get it. But my restless mind harps on the question- why?
I know we are never supposed to give up. But in this case, throwing in the towel is necessary. Along with that towel, I am throwing away all the anger, frustration and bitterness derived from this long-drawn predicament of mine. I don't want to be angry at you. It isn't a nice feeling to harbour. It burdens me and I end up feeling depressed.
It has been a struggle going back and forth, but now I've finally decided. I'll make this easier for you (because you certainly haven't and aren't going to make it easier for me). With my problem solved, that is the solution to yours.
For all that I am letting go, I really hope someone (or perhaps 2 people) will get out of this, happy. I, on the other hand, will be just fine.

Know this: Yahoo!- The word was invented by Jonathan Swift and used in his book ‘Gulliver’s Travels’. It represents a person who is repulsive in appearance and action and is barely human.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

I Loved You All The Way, Until Yesterday

I've let go of all hope I've had for you to come around. It was easier than I thought. So easy, that it makes me feel uneasy. This time, I'm not turning back. Literally. Paying a little more attention than I usually do helps me figure out the things I want in life, and the things I don't want nor need. I seemed so sure before, when everything was in fragments. When I piece them altogether, take a gigantic step back and see the bigger picture, I came to a realisation that this does not have to be it.
An unfinished puzzle with missing pieces I thought were with you. To borrow a hackneyed phrase, you do not complete me.

I'm not crazy over you, anymore.

Know this: A red-haired man is more likely to go bald than anyone else.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off (Me and You)

The best,
Way to make it through,
With hearts and wrists intact
Is to realize,
Two out of three ain't bad.
Ain't bad.

~Fall Out Boy

See you at the end.

Know this:The "nine lives" attributed to cats is probably due to their having nine primary whiskers.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Show Me Love

Excuse the weird font and everything else out of the ordinary. There is something really wrong with blogger.
For a perfectionist like me to ignore the order and system of my usual postings, I must have something excruciatingly important to share. Yes, I do.
I took a big step that day and I remember it all. It was a video captured on my mind that I can replay again and again in my head. For some reason, I figured it was worth capturing. I can't really explain it though. I'm not exactly in control of these situations, but I'm not exactly helpless either. Like on a loose leash. Yeah, it's around me, but I have a certain reasonable radius which allows, or at times, forces me to explore. And I did. I'm glad I did.
It was awkward, but good awkward. I was nervous, but good nervous. After it all, I was happy. Like goofy happy.
I was thinking thoroughly during the interminable intervals of my study session this afternoon about it. About what I want, what I need and what I have. Then it suddenly hit me that life is about trying things out. To take risks. To take steps, small or even big significant ones. Especially when life has been kind enough to lay out the path for you. It can be scary and hard. But anything worth something always deserve the work. And deserves the courage. Courage is not the absence of fear, rather it's the judgment that there is something more important than fear.
You can never get anything for nothing. I know what is to be done. I've always known. But it's about time I actually do it. Make it happen. And I will.

Know this: There are only 18 countries richer than Bill Gates.