Monday, August 25, 2008

Blood Donation Drive on the 13th

On the 13th of August, was unquestionably a significant day for me, considering how I am obsessed with this auspicious number. I decided to donate blood! It was an exciting and memorable experience indeed. Truly worthwhile and no regrets. Although this happened a few weeks ago, I still have the experience etched in my mind, as I recall it vividly.
I would consider myself to be rather curious, or annoying (whichever, potato-potata), patient. I posed a lot of questions to the nurse. She was so sweet and nice enough to answer everyone of my queries. I was blessed that she was my nurse and made the whole experience an exhilirating and yet an informative one.
Frankly, I was rather apprehensive at first, and even more so when Farina could not do it with me. But along the way-- the doctor check-ups and the finger-pricking (which was more painful that the needles!), Naveen and this teacher accompanied me through it. So did my gal pals. When the first needle pierced through my skin, strangely, I felt nothing. This first needle was filled with pain-killer fluid. A common misconception I must correct, a pain-killer simply removes the pain but you are still able to FEEL. I felt the second, bigger needle pierce through then blood gushed out into the tube.A bag filled with my blood and a pink bandage for my wound and I was officially a blood donor!
However, I nearly fainted in the canteen after attending Econs lecture. Amalina said I turned pale and all. I was in the midst of queueing for food when everything just blacked out and I felt nauseous. Luckily, our seat was not far from the stall. I used every ounce of my energy and strength to walk towards our table to lay my head and rest. I guess I was walking around too much, and forgot that I had lost blood. Drank some milo, ate some food and a short rest with my head on the table, I lived to tell the tale. I was careless, but now I know-- 10% is a lot of blood!
I am certain that this will not be my last blood donation. I sincerely recommend it. It is for a good cause. They even gave us a pen with the saying 'I am a lifesaver' on it. If you are ever thinking of changing the world, or being a hero of some sort, this would be a great start.

I don't have to stick on this sticker anymore, the next time I donate.

Know this: The word “listen” contains the same letters as the word “silent”.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My Confession

I am ashamed that looks matter to me as much as they do. I cannot seem to get pass one's appearance and judge them based solely on who they truly are, inside. I acknowledge their admirable characters, but I can be rather bothered with that 10% of imperfection.
It is easy to frown upon those who blatantly showcase their hatred and utter disgust towards people who do not necessarily meet the universal standards of beauty. It is almost cliche to say that true beauty lies within. More often than not, these are plainly words we speak of so that people will not judge us for our superficiality. In reality, unfortunately, we never really practice this morally proper conduct, do we? We find it challenging and at times impossible. Let us all admit for once that at one point or another, we judge people on the way they look. And it is a shame. How is it that despite knowing that what we do is wrong, we keep judging anyway? It does not even make me feel good or better about myself. It is almost inherent.
So this is my confession- I am a shallow person. And I am sorry. I realise that I too have physical flaws and it is time for a change. I never really understood how the privileged few are able to overlook one's physical appearance. I applaud them. But to those who just claim that looks do not matter and yet judge, I plead that you confess your sins. I believe that there is not a particular module or technique that can guide us out of this embarrassing behaviour. The transition has to be natural. It must not be a conscious effort, for to ignore is not the same as to not notice.To say that one is ugly but you do not care is not the same as to praise someone for their deeds and characters, with no reference at all to the physique for it must not occur to you to an extent where it is even worth mentioning.
We have to change before we miss out on the good things that pass us by. The good in people are not in their appearance. And good looks do not equate a good heart either.
I hope that we will be able to see other people in a new and better light, especially to those who deserve it. With this new-found clarity that of a crystal, we might find what we have always been looking for.

I thought it would be significant to post on this unique and special day- 20082008.

Know this: The colour blue has a calming effect. It causes the brain to release calming hormones.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

My Motivation

A simple request and Daddy got it for me. Daddy is too generous. It was crazy. I feel spoilt. Now, I own a camera worth $249. Somehow, I do not feel that I deserve it. So I shall use it as a source of motivation to excel in my studies. Thank you, Ayah! My good grades will be for you.
Cassio Exilim- Z9

Know this: The Great Pyramids used to be as white as snow because they were encased in a bright limestone that has worn off over the years.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Where the Grass is Always Greener

Last weekend, my extended family and I had a gathering to celebrate my cousin's birthday at Sentosa. I had so much fun. I especially love my little cousin Hannan aka Nannan. How I wish he would never ever grow up. That cutest damn little thing. At that point in time I really needed a good dose of them. School had really taken a toll on me. (It still is.) Spending time with them always make my own problems go away.
Here are some pictures of that special special day!

There are so many more things I have and want to update about- the SAJC Open House and the Blood Donation drive! So until next time.
By the way, went to catch Meet Dave with my familty yesterday. It was worth it!
Know this: Every year, the moon moves 1/2 an inch further from the earth.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

After the National Day celebration in my school, I met up with 3 of my secondary school friends. It has been a long time since I have last met them, hence the overwhelming feeling of excitement! We went to Orchard, Esplanade and Marina-- and at all these places, we gossiped, laughed and updated each other on what exactly has been going on in our lives. I had such a blast. So, until our next anticipated outing together, let us gather more 'drama' to bitch about. Enough said, here are the pictures.



Know this: An average person laughs about 15 times a day. (But, I'm pretty sure my girls and I laughed more than that during our outing.)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Racial Harmony 2008

Goodness gracious! Racial Harmonay Day was almost a bi-gee-lion years ago! Nevertheless, I have decided to post about it. Better late than never. Not many people got dressed for the occassion, unfortunately. But it was fun nonetheless.
Side-tracking a little. I had a blast with my friends yesterday. We did a lot of catching up and up-dating. I had an insight of the many things that are going through in their lives and a better perspective of the things that are going through mine. Thank you girls for the great advice. It was fun, as it has always been between us. I really hope we can do it more often. Taking a stroll down memory lane is always exciting. Love you girls. Until I get the pictures from dear Nurul, I will post these Racial Harmony Day pictures.


Know this: A giraffe is able to clean its ears with its own tongue.