Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I blew it.
But I can't seem to let go.
Know this: Do not inhale helium because it displaces oxygen necessary for life and can cause headaches, dizziness, labored breathing, and eventual unconsciousness.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

On The First Day of Raya, My True Love Gave To Me...

One whole day with my whole family, a special day it was indeed.
Most of my cousins are much younger than me so I can always expect the atmosphere to be a lively, albeit kecoh one, when we all get together. Oddly, it doesn't make me feel more matured. I tend to take advantage of the opportunities to spend time with them and be child-like too. It's just more fun.

My family decided to go golden this year. I thought it was highly original, but I came to realise that we were not the only ones clad in gold that day. Nevertheless, we still turned heads (but that could simply be because of other reasons, but I choose to believe the aforementioned). By the way, I usually decide on the colour for my family, being the shopping Queen in my family. I supposedly know what I'm talking about when it comes to fashion and trends, and what's 'in' and what's 'out'. But really, it simply depends on my mood. Still, I intend to hold on to this authority for as long as I live.
Also, on that particular day, at a particular hour (or 3), my heart cleared up some space. There is still some clearing up to do, but one day that space will be completely empty for someone more worthy to fill.
Anyway, I cannot wait for Raya to come again. I'm already thinking of the colour for next year. I'm thinking purple...Or, white? Famz, what say you?

And this is my family...
Wishing you
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfirtri
Maaf Zahir & Batin
Have a good one!
Know this: A goldfish has a memory span of 3 seconds.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

It's Amazing How You Can Speak Right to My Heart

William: Whoopsidaisies!

Anna Scott: What did you say?

William: Nothing.

Anna Scott: Yes you did.

William: No I didn't.

Anna Scott: You said "whoopsidaisies".

William: I don't think so. No one says "whoopsidaisies" do they? Unless they're...

Anna Scott: There is no "unless." No one has said "whoopsidaisies" for fifty years and even then it was only little girls with blonde ringlets.

William: Exactly. Here we go again. [He falls off the fence again]

William: Whoopsidaisies. It's a disease I've got. It's a clinical thing. I'm taking pills and having injections. It won't last long.
Notting Hill is one of my favourite romantic movies of all time. I recently watched it on HBO, only recently. I totally underestimated it. I think I have a thing for Hugh Grant. Because this is the second romantic movie I have ever been in love with. The first being Love Actually, which stars him too. I know, I know, Islam fundamentalists will frown on me because the latter movie is based on Christmas. But it is just so lomantik, lah.
Just thought that was worth mentioning. Anyway, today is one of the best days of my life. Prelims just ended, raya is in 3 days, Project Runway's later at 10pm and mummy dearest bought me a Magnum Chocolate ice cream since Monday, and I have decided to save it for a special occasion. And that special occasion has arrived, baby! Tomorrow my family and I are going shopping. Finally a guilt-free day out with the Famz. I really think I deserve this one because of all the hair-tearing ordeal I went through revising for Prelims. There were literally instances, especially during my revision for History, when I really felt so nauseous and my heart started beating so fast because I was so stressed out and scared. Well, you know, not only good things have to come to an end...
And for the J1s who have to go through your Promos during Hari Raya, hang in there, friends! It will be over before you know it. It's all about time-organization and sacrificing your leisure time, for this one difficult period in the year. Just this one. And no, first day of raya is not worth sacrificing. Remember that you guys have each other to depend on, so be there for one another. Be in it together. Wishing you guys and gals the best of luck!
I am super psyched for Raya, man! Can't wait.

Know this: Men can read smaller print than women can; women can hear better. (This is a scientific fact, fyi.)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Are You Crazy-Insane, Or Insane-Crazy?

An awfully lazy day today. For some reason. Just one thing leading to another, and before I knew it, it was already 10pm and I have not revised one single shit. I felt guilty for awhile, then I thought about the revision I have done so far and those that I have planned for this week. If my calculation does not fail me, I have a little time to spare. Just a little time I can afford to take a break. Yeah, that will mean a lil more effort the next time I hit the books, to make up for what I could have covered today. Boy am I looking forward to that.
Adopted a 'study smart, rather than a study hard' theory this time round. Not to burn too much midnight oil but to use every other hour of revision wisely and effectively. Quality over quantity, I suppose. Considering there is not much 'quantity' at my current disposal to begin with. I just don't want to burn myself out before the big As, you know. I don't think I'll be productive if I'm dead.
Study sessions at the library have been very fruitful. Able to strike out most of the things on my agenda for that day. Every journey home, I feel so...victorious. So I hope the Prelims turn out well for me. And needless to say the A Levels too.
Anyway, just thought I'd pay this space a visit.
Hope you are having a fantabulous holiday. You should. Oh, nailing a mathematical problem can be quite fun. Successfully drawing a tariff diagram without having to look at the notes can be quite exciting.
Hold up. Me, finding studying fun and exciting? Ok it's official, I am a geek. Save me before I find

Know this: Neutron stars are so dense that a teaspoonful would weigh more than all the people on Earth.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Will You Love Me Again Like You Loved Me Before?

Status Quo. It's about time, Blogger dear.
A sudden urge to post something tonight (or morning).
Math paper was alright today. Manageable. Then again my expectations for the manageability in Math is rather low. So as long as I don't skip an entire 13-mark question, you can say that it's manageable. I really hope I do well this time. Not only is the result (should it be positive) important to boost me for the big As, but I sincerely do not want to disappoint Jules, my math teacher. Whatever it may be, I shall continue to work hard for this particular subject. Because the truth is, I love math. Ah, another case of unrequited love, it seems.
I find the examinations to be my form of escapism. Which is a good thing since I really don't want the disruptive nature of the things going on in my head to jeopardize what is utmost important right now. No matter what the teachers say, the A levels is crucial, as it determines a major part of the rest of my life.
So pimples may break out, favourite television shows may be missed, beauty sleeps may have to be put on hold. Oh come what may. We shall conquer it all.

" Victory's within the mile
Almost there don't give up now
~ Run This Town Rihanna, Jay-Z, Kanye West
Off the top of my head, I think Farhan from Singapore Idol is really cute. And here are some pictures from the National Day I spent with my extended family. I miss Nannan to death.
Know this: Cherophobia is a fear of fun. (Didn't know there was even such a thing? Well, that makes it the two of us.)