Friday, May 29, 2009

The Love of Three Oranges

The college play was some time ago, but I think it is still worth mentioning. The play was a little different than what I expected, considering the proximity between the actors and the audience. But I liked the switch from the conventional way. A more refreshing and unique experience, is what it was. I must congratulate the actors and actresses for putting on a great show. And really they were really good. From their articulate speeches, to the projection of their voices, to their I-don't-care-how-silly-I-look attitude. They were in it 110%, I could tell. And having to perform 4 times, twice within a day, back to back must be really tough. But they lived up to the challenge and produced a commendable and admirable performance! Kuddos, guys. Also, I simply must mention, I loved the door gifts.
Of course, what is an outing with my girls without our usual photo-shoots? We stayed out longer this time and sat by the bay to talk (I know, like we don't talk enough in school already, but we really LOVE to talk!). Had a blast, as usual, girls!

Trust me, I hated myself for doing it, again and again.

Know this: The force of 1 billion people jumping at the same time is equal to 500 tons of TNT.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Don't Hate, Congratulate!

I shall admit that I was extremely shocked myself when Kris Allen reigned champion in American Idol. I was convinced that Lambert was the crowd favourite and the votes for him will just pour in exponentially. Lambert was the obvious choice, so I had actually made peace with my favourite losing this season to a worthy opponent. Allen's victory was a pleasant surprise. Although I always find myself looking forward to Lambert's performances every week, it has always been Allen's tender and humble performances that left a deeper impression on me. His version of 'Falling Slowly' caught my attention and I have paid attention to him ever since. From his smile, to his sexy-to-the-maximum-jawline; and from his sultry voice to his a-little-trying-too-hard-but-he-still-looks-cute dance moves (most apparent in Abdul's choreography) to the adorable way his jaw slants to the side when he belts his last notes, I love Allen to bits. One should not love Allen any less because he's triumph meant Lambert's loss. It's not his fault.
Don't hate the player, hate the game.

Wish you all the best Kris Allen. May you melt the hearts of everyone, just like you did mine.


On a side note, I must congratulate the SAJC Girls Soccer Team for making our school proud with a victorious 1st-runner up position. You girls put on a fantastic game today! Up and on.

Know this: The winner of American Idol Season 8, Kristopher Neil Allen was born on the 21st of June 1985.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Great Expectations

Aside from the unfortunate fact that I have a test based on this book by Charles Dickens tomorrow, this title also very much applies to my life right now. No, I shan't bore you with my hopes, dreams and aspirations. I tend to weave these between my other posts anyway.
However, it struck me these days not to have high expectations on some people, especially when they have let you down once before. You pretend not to care because these people are just not worth your concern and what did not happen must not be dwelled upon, but the truth of the matter is, you care. And you care, a lot. Especially when it is the only thing you look forward to the whole mundane day; the only thing that will make the whole journey to school worthwhile. Yes, I realised that one's happiness should not be placed into the hands of other people. Because, just as they have the power to make your life seem a brighter place, they have the power to to take that away from you as well. Then what happens? What happens to you, then?
School has been really rough lately with the major examinations emerging once again. At times like these, the smallest glimmer of hope for a better day is crucial. Very very crucial. I suggest everyone should take the opportunity to make someone's day every day. A smile or any other friendly gestures will suffice, I'm sure. Remember to be kind. Everyone's struggling.
So make my day. I'm counting on you.
Know this: In ancient Rome it was considered a sign of leadership to be born with a crooked nose.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Less Boring Concern

I need validation. I am growing more and more impatient. Giving up, pretty soon. It won't be easy but anything is better than this. One more week is all you have. One word is all I need.

Know this: In Shakespeare's time, mattresses were secured on bed frames by ropes. When you pulled on the ropes, the mattress tightened, making the bed firmer to sleep on. That's where the phrase, "Goodnight, sleep tight" came from.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Netball Reunion

Last Tuesday, I had the netball reunion. It was great having to see all my team-mates again. Brought back so many great memories, from the good times to the horrible times, from the funniest to the unforgettable times. Then I took the opportunity to explore the school, just to see what has changed and what has remained. As I walked around the somewhat deserted school (and it was only 5pm!), I realised that everything was just as I remembered, but smaller. Smaller corridors, smaller staircases. Not that I have grown into a giant or anything, but I think it has to do with my current college being so massive. I met up with some teachers, like Ms Lena Chng, who is getting married at the end of this year! How happy I am for her. She's a pretty lady and smart too, so her future husband is one lucky man. Ms Chng is one of the best teachers ever. She was great to me. The things she did, the opportunities she gave me, I cannot thank her enough. Once, she loan me her haversack for the Mt. Ophir trekking because my mother did not want to get one for me, since it was only a one-time thing. When I wanted to return it to her, she told me to keep it! I still have that haversack. Man, those things ain't cheap. I love her, what other people say. She was good to me, and that is all that really should matter. She is HOD of CCA now, so she is on her way to the top. On. Her.Way.
Unfortunately, we did not play a game with the juniors as planned because of a particular teacher, who has not changed since I left the school, I must say. I never respected her and I still don't. Sorry, no cure lah. We may be coming back again to play a friendly match with our juniors, some time this May. I am very excited! So since we could not do what we came to do, we took pictures all around the school instead, taking advantage of the fact that there was noone there to judge our nonsensical behaviours.
After, we headed to Swensens for dessert. We had the Giant Earthquake and Topless Five (how sexy, and delicious too!). There, we laughed and laughed as we recalled our secondary school times. That night, I also discovered why they made the spoons in Swensens so bloody long. (*winks at Aisyah and Nurul)
And I also realised, never once did we talk about our netball matches or competitions. Not only did we not talk about it, we don't seem to remember much about it either. What we do remember is how much we laughed; our jokes and how we always had fun. I understand what matters now, and what will matter in the future. Had a blast man, and cannot wait to see ya'll again for our match!
A picture with Lady Chng. 'Sean Kingston head-swing' pose. Classic.
You might not know this, but this is supposed to be a jump-shot.
Nurul and I working the pole, the only way we know how.
Expressing my inner-Alicia Keys.

Netball. Good times, good times.

Know this: The left leg of a chicken is more tender than the right one.

That Special Saturday

Yup, they got me GOOD! Last Saturday, I had the surprise of my life! I met up with my secondary school friends, expecting nothing more than just a wonderful reunion, only to be shocked by a birthday surprise they had secretly planned for me. I was caught off guard and was completely oblivious from the beginning. It was funny how everything turned out as planned despite the heat and us wanting to seek shelter, desperately. But we persevered on across the bridge, under the scorching sun, towards the Merlion and to the One Fullerton Starbucks, where Nurul and Afiqa(!) were waiting for the rest of us with the ultra-delicious ice-cream cake. By the way, I totally fell for the whole Nurul comforting her crying friend scenario! I was so hesitant to disturb their little intervention. Anyway, I never had an ice-cream cake before (how thoughtful, considering how hot it was that day, like any other day lately), let alone one that was for me. In fact, I never even had a surprise birthday party for me before. *Cue the violins. Well, I do now and it happened on the significant Legal-18 year. We had cake and chatted at Starbucks over-looking the beautiful scenery of the murky Singapore river, the construction site of the Integration Resort at Marina Bay and of course the esplanade. We took a lot of photos against the clear blue skies. We were sweating like shit and had to squint our eyes because of the bright bright sun, all for a good- quality picture. The lighting is best when it is under natural light, so must tahan, I say! Man, they don't call this tiny island 'Sunny Singapore' for nothing.
Then we headed to Cathay and ate at Astons, another wonderful spot for dining with a great view. I really should explore Singapore more, because as a Singaporean, I simply don't venture this island enough. All these places I have never been before and am absolutely clueless about! How embarrassing... But I can't help it when I never seem to get bored with Toa Payoh Hub.
Then we headed to Orchard Road to have a drink at Starbucks. And yet another great hang-out spot. So lomantik, you! It was not crowded at all and very comfortable. My kinda place! Seriously, I should go out more.
When heading home, Aqila and I shared our deepest and darkest secrets. Well, deep and dark for me only, perhaps. At our usual hang-out spot, we chilled and chat from 9pm to 11pm talking about our dirty little secrets. But like we agreed, whatever happened there, stays there, girl! It was a special Saturday for me indeed. Way way much more than I bargained for and I am truly grateful to have thoughtful and cool (yes, Jo Bros & Miley fans ARE cool too) friends like them. Always keeping it real. And Afiqa was a great surprise, man! I haven't seen her for like a thousand years! And I am happy that she is still that happy-go-lucky girl that I have always known her to be. You know, Afiqa and I go way back, and I hope to see her again soon. Thank you girls for that wonderful time. And remember, never drink too much before your main course arrives. (*winks) I was shocked, can you tell?
Wishing for a million dollars (yeah, like I will tell you what I really wished for)... I think my exact reaction was "Mmmmm..."
We were VERY inspired by this picture. So...
We adopted it and call it the 'Sean Kingston head-swing' Pose.

There's nothing quite like them.

Know this: On the day that Alexander Graham Bell was buried the entire US telephone system was shut down for 1 minute in tribute.