Sunday, June 29, 2008

When I Grow Up

If you have been observant enough, you would have noticed a couple of changes I have made to my blog. I just thought that I should make some modification to it. But I could not part with my blogskin because it is too pretty. So I made a minor change only.
The change was inspired by Pussycat Dolls' "When I Grow Up", which I currently am having an intense obsession with. The concept of the song is so original and yet relatable to many, those who aspire for stardom. Finally, a song that does not deal with break-ups and make-ups or love at all. I recommend that you readers check out the song if you have not. Read the lyrics as well and reminisce about your childhood dreams, if it had anything to do with wanting to be famous.
I shall digress. I see the need to write down your resolution on black and white and let the world see it. This is so as to pressure you to live up to your resolution or face judgement by others. So I hereby declare that I will be going on a diet. Nothing severe, just a no-snacks-in-between-meals diet. Do not ask me why, it is just a personal challenge. Certainly, I may not be able to get through with it without some help. So the next time I reach out for a Booster or Mars Bar, yell "Nooooooooooooo!". Wish me luck!

'I see them staring at me
Oh I'm a trendsetter
Yes this is true 'cause what I do, no one can do it better
You can talk about me
'Cause I'm a hot topic
I see you watching me, watching me, and I know you want it'
~ "When I Grow Up" by The Pussycat Dolls

Know this: 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Plenty on the Horizon

As you probably would have noticed, the trauma from the CTs has made miss blogging so much. So before I hit the books again, to complete some unfinished holiday assignments, I shall blog my ass of.
I remember telling myself during the ordeal, to just do it and at the end of the day, it will all be worth it. I hate it when there is nothing to look forward to after such hardship. I will have no motivation whatsoever to help me get through with it.
So as I take my short 2-minute breaks in between my revision, I think of all the things that are on the horizon. Firstly, SAJC College Day is coming up some time next month. A day away from the school curriculum is always a blessing, trust me. On College Day there will be food and games. Plenty to look forward to, if you ask me! Then on the 4th, there'll be my Pre-University Seminar outing with my SG 10. We'll be going for this concert at Hwa Chong. I cannot wait to see everybody again and to watch the concert. On the 5th, there will be this malay thing at Tampines JC. A day out with my girls always turn out to be a ball of fun. And of course, there will be Rapture, an SAJC Dance Society Production, at the Esplanade! I cannot wait to go shopping for the outfit for the big day. It will be at the end of the July and I am uber excited for it.
I will post up pictures for each of the events above for you, my very much appreciated readers. For now, I shall post up some over- due pictures. These were taken during the Malay Cultural Society "bonding session" umpteen years ago. I thought it would be rather lame and pathetic at first, but it turned out to be a lot of fun, and my team came in 2nd place for the competition. I got reacquainted with my malay culture that day. Which reminds me, my malay Alevel oral is this upcoming Monday. We are going right after the RJC students. Imagine how high the bar will be set and how much I, the average, will have to live up to. Frankly, I am breaking a sweat of panic. Nevertheless, I shall try my very damn best. Wish me luck!
Photos courtesy of Farhana, the senior in black. A fun day courtesy of the MCS seniors and Cikgu Zahrina.
Know this: Next to man, the porpoise is the most intelligent creature on earth.


Like the Whole World is Lifted Off My Shoulders Now

The grueling days are over. My chains of torture have been unlocked and now I face freedom. I do not have to experience the ruthless ordeal anymore. I can watch television now!
Common Tests are over baby! I am glad. No more burning the midnight oil, missing countless number of favourite television shows and sleep deprivation. I am happy.
But of course, this joy is but temporary because, not long after it will be the Promotional Examinations. I will have an earlier revision period for that, since now I know, cramming information in the 11th hour is too nerve-wrecking that your anxiety overwhelms your ability to hold the information in your head. Constant glances to the clock, 2:12am, 2:46am and than 3:17am? And your body just goes, 'I think it's time to sleep'. I want to have head-starts so at least my body will have ample rest for the paper the next day.
The collection of the results is a whole different story of course. I just hope I do not fail too many subjects. See, I did not even wish for me to pass everything, although it is tacit. I pray for good grades every night after finishing my revision and before going to sleep. But the fact is, JC life is so hard that a sub-pass is extolled. Grades bearing range from 45- 50 is already considered a pass, an E grade. Not that the standards are too low, but JC corriculum is just too damn hard. And it is indubious that I am not alone in this. But Allah will never give us something that we cannot handle. So let this CTs be a slap in the face and let us all work harder for the ultimate A levels.
Wow, a lot has happened since I last updated. I just do not know where to start. Hence, I will not share what happened lest I miss a significant portion of my holiday that I may not be able to recall as of now. So as far as you are concerned, I am still alive and kicking, I am still blogging and I am ecstatic because the Common Tests are over.
So cheer up and have a good 1-minute laugh at this super hilarious and adorable video. And remember 'Blood [buhlud] is not funny.'

Know this: The smile is the most frequently used facial expression. A smile can use anywhere from a pair of 5 to 53 facial muscles.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Do Me A Favour

Please review my post on 'Track and Field Camp'. I made some major mistakes previously. Awfully careless of me to forget certain things, especially something as basic as my manners.
People often forget the extent of how public this blogging thing can be, and how it can have an impact on those reading it. To us bloggers, these are just merely words we post. We tend to forget that these very words, no matter how private or explicit we want them to be, get published for the world to see. Until one day, it ends up in the eyes of the person you blog about. Then, it gets personal. Luckily for technology, it allows you to take back the things you do not mean, with simple actions such as highlighting and clicking on 'delete'. On top of that, you get to redeem yourself by publishing another post, very much like this one, which acknowledges your utmost regret of writing such bitter things about someone who is just trying to do his job. So never forget to take responsibility of your actions and modify that post.
Then again, things can always be made right with a simple e-mailing of a letter. How convenient!

Sorry again, Captain.

Know this: A blue whales heart only beats nine times per minute.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

CT (Crunch Time aka Common Tests)

Common tests are on the first week of the school re-opening. I am very anxious and scared. I do not think I have time to complete my revision. Even if I do, it might not be very substantial or enough for me to sit for the papers feeling prepared.
Looking at my Continual Assessment results, they are not really grades that I should be proud of. Therefore, I have to do well for my CTs to cover up those bad grades. I need more time. I know, it is so contradictory that I say there is not enough time to study, when I take time to post about this. I just feel so frustrated that I feel the need to pen this down. Also, I hope this serves as a reminder to those who may be feeling the same way, that you are not alone. I am scared too.
Other than studying for the tests, we also have the Project Work to worry about. The Written Report is due soon and my group has not even consolidated our research. We have not done a single interview, any surveys but the questions are all prepared. Well, most of them are at least. I have to vet them and send them out to Ms Soh for her vetting. So many things to do, so little time. I was just thinking, this would be the perfect time to die. Before you contact the police, I assure you this is not my suicide note. I am just very overwhelmed with everything.
I still want to catch up with my secondary friends, whom I miss all so dearly. I want to go out with my family and shop. I want to go out with my JC friends and gossip. I just do not get it. Where did time fly to? And where was I when time took its flight?
All I know is, time is merciless-- it waits for no one. This is it, us against time. But we have to do it. It will be quality over quantity. Use the time you have wisely and productively. Remember to take breaks, also.
I am waking up at 9am in the morning tomorrow to have a head start in my revision. This is it. It's crunch time.

Know this: Leonardo da Vinci could write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time. (How I wished I could multi-task like him. I could save so much time.)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Track and Field Camp

Last Monday, right after my CIP, I had to pack for my Track camp. I was exhausted by then of course, considering I have been on the move since the Pre- University camp. My bed and I only slept together once before I had to head for the CCA camp in school.
Honestly, I was not looking forward to it. But I am glad that through the camp, I got to know my fellow track members better, especially the distance- runners. You see, the sprinters, throwers and distance do not train together. So I barely recognize half of them, let alone know their names! Strangely, most of them knew me. Well, cannot blame them since I am fabulous. Kidding! I am the only malay in the team and one of the very very few sprinter girls. That's right. I am little Miss Po-pu-lar! Kidding, again!
We played several interesting games, such as the Treasure Hunt. Jason, one of my fellow sprinter senior is so hilarious. He kept chasing Mun Kidd. Funny, funny boy! I was really glad he was in my team. He kept the whole activity entertaining. And Roy is funny in a subtle way. Somehow, he was the most competitive in our team. He really wanted to win each and everyone of the games. Told you he was funny. He also could not remember the school song. Considering that he was a senior, it was pretty hilarious. In one activity, we had to complete the first verse of the school song, each member of the group singing only one word at a time. So it went, "Lives" "are" "in" "the" "making" "here" "Hearts" "are" "in" "the" "waking" "here" "Mighty" "undertaking" and Roy went "go". I cracked up so hard. It did not rhyme, Roy. Even if you do not know the words to the song, you can still rhyme, can't you? He is such a funny guy. Caring too. He cheered me on during Zhi Hao's "special" training.
Zhi Hao's interval training was indeed special. I learnt a lot, such as peserverance, endurance, teamwork and more importantly, minding my manners.
Oddly, we had plenty of time to rest during our camp. We had about 2 hours of free time after our lunch. The breaks were meant for the seniors to mug for their upcoming Block Tests. You should have seen them, with their notes, at 1 in the morning. I admire them so much. It made me feel bad too since I was not doing any revision.
Day 3 was just breakfast, area cleaning and home. I was glad it ended quick. I really wanted my bed, my home and my family.
During the camp, Ms Tan announced the main team. My name was not called, sadly. But it is okay. I am okay. I know I am not ready anyway. I have not even gotten my spikes! Better luck next year, I hope. To those who did make it, such as Shawn, Ying Lun, Monique and Weng, the best of luck. Do wear that Team SAJC shirt with pride. You guys really do deserve them.
For now, I really hope my shins get better soon. So that I can train and reach my potential. Ms Tan did say that many of the seniors had to go through a lot of shin splints before they can be where they are today. I guess, these are all parts and parcels to being the best runner I can be. I will have to peservere on. I can do this! Ice my shins every night and I am good to go. Wish me luck! Let's go. Up and on!

Know this: A primary culprit causing shin splints is a sudden increase in distance or intensity of a workout schedule.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Sundown Marathon 2008

Last Saturday, a day after my Pre-University camp, I had CIP to complete with my fellow track mates. We were the road marshalls for the Sundown Marathon 2008. We were stationed along the park near VJC and St. Patrick's School.
Our CIP strecthed from 8pm on Saturday to 8am on Sunday morning. We all sacrificed our sleep for those runners. But really, they were inspirations to us all. Some of them ran 84km while others ran 42km. I saw Ms Chng, my secondary school PE teacher participating in the 42km. I was so proud of her. Alongside her, there were many others, from all walks of life. Those who clearly trained for the marathon and those that entered with their lovers to take a slow, romantic jog. While they passed Josie and I, we cheered them on with words of encouragement such as "Keep going!", "Press on!", "You can do this!" and "Come on, all the way!". I tried looking them into their eyes when I encouraged them on, just so they know that I really do mean it. Most of them acknowledged with a nod and a smile. I was so touched. I hope they were touched too.
Then there were those that were very friendly and engaged in a conversation with me, while running. There was this man who wished me luck with the mosquitoes and I replied that I was equipped with Mopiko! He laughed his way on. Then there was this English man who wished me with words of encouragement of his own, "Don't fall asleep, now." What a kind man. A handful of them thanked us for staying up and sacrificing our sleep. It was really sweet of them.
The whole experience was such an eye-opener for me. Seeing people as 60 running the marathon, truly inspired me to do my best in Track. Although I did not make it into the team this year, I shall strive hard for next year. I will be more ready then. Until then, I wish all the members of the main team the best of luck in the Nationals this July, especially Monique, who has so much potential. Go get 'em girl!
Here are some pictures I took from Sundown Marathon. They are of really bad quality but I think they are pretty cool.
I really want to get to know you. Now it's too late.

Know this: Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

I'm Back...

After nearly 3 months of Wednesday meetings, 5 days of camp, Pre- U Seminar is finally over. I had a blast. For me to go into specific details, it will take long. So I will just give you an overview of my experience at NTU.
Firstly, the hostel was better than I expected. It was clean and cosy. The toilets were acceptable, in my opinion. We were also served 5 meals a day everyday: breakfast, tea, lunch, dinner and supper. The food was all right but when we have guests-of-honour, the food will be especially delicious. Sadly, we could not possibly take as much as we wanted, even though it was a buffet, because there were many of us. So we have to be considerate and take the amount that we needed only, not how much we wanted. But all in all, the organisers fed us well.
The activities ranged from ice-breakers, to the Digital Race and the Sandcastle Challenge. But it is the small, personal games that my group-mates and I played that I enjoyed most. We played False Names and Bluff with the cards. To keep ourselves busy as we waited patiently for the events to start, we even played Black Magic, Johnny Whoosh, the Number Game, the Tempo Game and many many other silly ones.
I was posted to Group Seminar 10. At a glance, they all seem so nerd-like and serious. But as we started opening up, everyone was actually good sports. Of course the 'party' revolved around Felza, and ex-schoolmate of mine. He was truly the spirit of the team. He involved everyone in everything that he played. I was glad that he was in my group. He was like a big brother to me. I never laughed so much in any camp before. Thanks Felza!
My group ranged from students coming from almost all the tertiary institutions in Singapore. All the JCs and the most of the polytechnics. My room-mate, Benazir, is from Republic Polytechnic. She is this sweet Indian girl. She is so kind and personable. I am so glad to have her as my room-mate.
The most memorable parts of the camp for me were the ghost story-telling session and the last night in NTU, where some of us stayed up till the early hours. I personally slept at 4.30am only to have an hour of nap, having to wake up at 5.30am to shower.
Yes, I shower every morning. Luckily Benazir has the same habit as me so she'll accompany me to bathe every morning. I feel that we have to because the first thing every morning, we have to put on our blazers. So we have to feel fresh and alive! Morning showers always do the trick!
A special shout-out to my faciliators, Sandeep, Josephine and Audi, who were always concerned and friendly towards us.
The parallel presentation by SAJC received great feedback. So kudos to Jannah, Charmaine and Elizabeth who kicked ass that day. All the other institutions also did well, so well done to them too!
As for hot guys, of course they existed. In their handsome blazers and ties, they all looked so suave. It was like graduation night every morning, except the girls were not in dresses. Certainly, there were a few guys that caught me eye throughout the camp. They were all from different groups though. It is always exciting to have crushes and eye-candies in any occasion, I am sure many would agree. So it was fun while it lasted.
To wrap this all up and put Pre-U Seminar to a close, I will grace this post with some pictures that I took. I will upload the rest once I receive them from Yi' En, our official photographer in the group.
My Dorm

My Bed

The Boys from SG 10

The Girls from SG 10Sandeep!SG 10Guan Ling is so funny!The Canteen
Benazir, my roomie, and I

Felza from SAJC, and I from MI

Charlotte and I Our Final Goodbyes
All Packed-Up and Ready to Go. Home.

Know this: An Octopus has 3 hearts.