Saturday, December 29, 2007

I Come with My Own Background Music

Have you ever listened to a particular music while in motion, be it while walking or on the bus, and suddenly there's this rush that overwhelms you and then, before you know it, you're in this little make-believe movie of yours. Well I experience this every single time my MP3 is on. It gives me some sort of confidence to walk, as if I was on a runway or something. Michael Jackson's 'The Way You Make Me Feel' always does the trick! When I'm on the bus, I'll listen to something more mellow, like a ballad, and now my character is leaving her past behind, migrating to some place new, or my character just broke up with her cheating boyfriend who she truly adores. As cheesy or just plain crazy as it may sound, it's actually pretty fun. There's this weird, unexpecting excitement that catches you off- guard almost. Sometimes I find myself smiling to myself. Gosh, talk about happy, huh? I recommend it to everybody really. Life seems sweeter somehow.

By the way, Hannah Montana/ Miley Cyrus/ Destiny Hope Cyrus is one of the very few teen role models around. So kudos to her! Enjoy... -Hannah Montana with 'If We Were A Movie'

Know this: Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Embracing the Guilt- Free Holidays

I have to say, this is the life. No assignments, no meetings, no camps. Just me and ample time. I'm not even job- hunting. Why waste this glorious luxury of guilt- free time when you can rather catch on up with television, sleep and quality time with family and friends? You must be thinking, 'Um, to be useful and do useful things.' But my answer to you is this- I have been doing that (working my ass off) for the past 10 years of my life. I think, hell.. I know I deserve this vacation. If you feel that you have the need to "contribute to society", then that is your own self- conscience that is eating you up inside. Just don't come to me and complain about your 'job' when school starts. In my attempt to embrace the holidays, I have been spending a lot of time with my family lately, going out shopping and most of the time window- shopping. I have been splurging my $50 on tones of outfits. Frankly, with only 50 bucks, you can get a lot of trendy inexpensive stuff. Yup-- babe on a budget! It's all about mixing and matching. I figured that I seriously needed to move myself away from my classic t-shirt and jeans, which is not that bad if you paired it up with trendy accesories. My family and I also watched Alvin and the Chipmunks and The Redline. We also rented many DVDs. Anyway, the reason why we should really savour this moment is we are not going to get it back ever again. Once school starts, you know-- it starts! Need I say more? The homework, CCA and other commitments. I want to go back to school thinking 'Wow! That was fun. But that's enough, let's get back to business.' And I will. Promise.
So here are some pictures of the wonderful time I spent with my flesh and blood.

Know this: The sound you hear when you crack your knuckles is actually the sound of nitrogen gas bubbles bursting.

On the Air, Unaware

Well, the title of this post is actually based on the movie The Truman Show starring the ever-so hilarious Jim Carrey. If you haven't watched the movie then let me give you the low- down. The movie was basically about this man Truman whose life was caught on camera since he was in his mother's womb. His life was made into a reality show. The town people were actually all actors and the director of the Truman show built a set that was visible from space! The set was of course an entire suburban area. So when Truman grew older he started to realise that the whole town revolved around him.
Nowadays, I myself am starting to notice that my life is also probably being caught on tape right this second. My family, friends and even you, who are reading this post, are all actors. Well you must be thinking I'm just being paranoid but check this; recently I've noticed that everybody goes to the places I decide to go, such as Toa Payoh, Ang Mo Kio and Yishun. Why? Well, just yesterday I was on the MRT and it was jam- packed. When it was my stop, practically the whole cabin got off! What are the odds that everyone wanted to shop at Yishun? And whenever I board the bus from the interchange, it is crowded that I usually end up standing. Again, when it was my turn to alight, almost the whole bus gets off! What the hell is going on here? Seriously. Same goes for my weekly trip to Ang Mo Kio and Toa Payoh. The world revolves around my schedule.
Although, there are advantages to that, I guess. Well, when I am in a packed MRT, I am almost certain that I don't have to squirm and utter 'excuse me' to get off, since everyone's getting off anyway. Same for the bus frenzy-- I wouldn't have to squeeze out of my seat in case there's someone sitting next to me, since they are probably getting down also.
Actually it's kind of flattering. I wonder-- when walk, would the wind blow and angels sing? (taken out of 'Girls All The Bad Guys Want' by Bowling for Soup)
I figure everyone feels the same way-- like the world is on to them. Nah... It's no show. It's just--you know, life.

By the way, a very Merry Christmas to all and to all a Happy New Year. It was also my father's birthday yesterday.

Know this:The attachment of the human skin to muscles is what causes dimples.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

4Truth Gathering 27th Nov '07

Yeng Yeng, V.T, Jeslin, Li Yun, Natalia Natalia and Nadia Siti, Samuel, Hannah, Chong Loon and SebastianAqila and Nadia playing soccer??
That's me! With KerinWith Natalia
Aqila relaxingNadia keeping the flies away from the food.
Chong Loon doing his thang...
Thank you Bertram and gang (Ivan, John and Vanessa) for organizing such a fantabulous gathering at the country club. It was indeed a fancy place and we had a great time!
Know this: There are 1,792 steps to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

Walk Down Memory Lane: Graduation Night

Me, Siti, Nadia and the Glorious FoodMe and the Stunning TessaMe and Gorgeous Nurul Me and the Beautiful AqilaNadia, Ching Ting, Me and Julia
Me, Nadia, Aqila, Siti, Cheryl, Emerlia
2 Truth Gang Cheryl, Aqila, Nurul, Me and Nadia Me and Natalia, a true friend
Know this: Laughing lowers levels of stress hormones and strengthens the immune system. Six-year-olds laugh an average of 300 times a day. Adults only laugh 15 to 100 times a day.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Better Late than Never: Hari Raya

My Family
My Brother and Eccentric Pak SuMe and my Hannan
My and my Sista
My Extended Paternal FamilyOh... You know!

Know this: If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Congratulations, Hady Mirza!!!!

Hady has definitely done the whole nation proud! I am so happy for him. Just like Singapore, Hady has managed to win the hearts of Asia. So congrats for being crowned Asia's first Idol and winning the all- expense paid business- class trip all over the world. This is indeed a feat that nobody can take away from him and he'll carry with him to his grave. You made history, man. Well done and have a safe trip!

Know This: The ant can lift 50 times its own weight, can pull 30 times its own weight and always falls over on its right side when intoxicated.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Flip a Coin

The main reason I changed my blog title was in the long run, having this blog is no longer 'new' anymore. Hence 'My New Endeavour' is really for the eyes of the first few who have visited my blog. Now, I have changed it to 'Heads I Win, Tails You Lose'. Reason being in my life, I want to be a go- getter-- taking things into my own hands and making things happen for myself. I want to make rational decisions on my own. That's right, it's my way or the highway. Plus I am known to be a very competitive person, always having a thirst for victory and the feeling of triumph. I just hate to lose. So I am always in it to win. And guess what, I often do.

Know This: Women blink nearly twice as much as men.

My Current Stable Status

Ahh, finally I'm starting to appreciate and embrace the true meaning of the holidays. I have found ways to keep myself occupied lately. Mostly I spend time with my family, which is not irregular for me as we always go out together every week even when it isn't the holidays. Sometimes we rent DVDs to watch together. Recently I watched a Thailand movie, I think, called 'Alone'. I must say, one of the best plots I have every viewed hence one of the best movies I have ever watched. I love it when there is an unexpected twist at the end. As the very imaginative person that I am, I usually am able to predict the ending of the movie. It requires thinking out of the box. But this time, the director really went 10 steps ahead of me. Bravo! My all-so generous father just bought all my siblings including me a brand new handphone. Mine is the Nokia 6500 classic, $198. Really thankful for it-- thanks, father! I fell in love with it the moment I laid my eyes on it. It just spoke to me. I also went shopping with my family to Ang Mo Kio and my all- time fave, Toa Payoh. I bought quite a few affordable outfits. Quality over quantity.
Yesterday we went to the National Museum. Really was an eye- opener. Naturally I took a lot of photos with my brand new cell. Unfortunately we weren't allowed to take photos when we enter the galleries, which was unbelievably amazing. Kuddos to whoever built the damn place!
Well I'm off to enjoy the rest of my holidays. Sure do hope the same for everyone!

Know This: Every day is about 55 billionths of a second longer than the day before it. (Then freakin' live it!)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Why I Absolutely Detest...

I am seriously going out on a limb as I confess my absolute hatred towards Orchard Road, or more commonly recognized as Town. I do realise that every teenager on the face of Singapore almost treats this over-rated place as the Holy Ground. They go there with their friends and have 'a ball of a time'. For them, it is indeed the 'it' place or the 'hot spot' if you will. But through my eyes, Orchard Road is nothing but a place of attraction for pretentious teenagers. They simply go there to feel good about themselves as they are surrounded by people like them. Power in numbers, right? They claim it's cool to be seen there or telling people they were there. I honestly don't know whether to throw up or buy them "'Get A Life' for Dummies" book. Look around when you do venture that place, look at what they are wearing and more importantly, what they are doing-- nothing basically. Maybe at most they window shop. Note the word 'window' before the shopping. That's right, they never buy anything (alright, maybe a pair of $1.50 ear-rings). Everything's just way too expensive. Well of course they are expensive. Orchard Road is a tourist attraction in Singapore. It is supposed to be. It's located in the center of Singapore. Orchard Road is one of Singapore's financial sources. The merchandise sold there ain't for us. Teenagers that hang out there are just polluting the area. A sore sight for the tourists. What the teenagers do and wear there are going to be mistakenly reflected as the lifestyle of every Singaporean teenager. That is just absurd and appalling. I personally do not want to be wrongly regarded.
Orchard Road is also always so crowded with delusional people. People who think that they are in the US. They feel westernised--Americanised, with their "cool" shades. They wear skimpy clothes as though they have the goods to flaunt in the first place. Even the cinemas are always jam-packed but yet many people just can't seem to think of any other cinemas other than Cathay.
I am just so sick of it. Orchard Road is nothing but a delusional get-away for pathetic teenagers who feel lost in the real world, so they call upon the rest of their good-for-nothing friends and attempt to feel accepted in a place full of people just like them. For goodness sake, lose the make-up, put on some decent clothes, pick up a book or two and search for your self- respect. I'll probably lose some friends over this post-- those who worships this so-called Holy Land. You have to admit, I have guts and I don't have to step foot in Orchard Road to get some. You know the 3 wise monkeys-- Mizaru, Kikazaru and Iwazaru? I simply apply that to my not going to Town- I will not see evil, hear evil or speak evil. But that is just my opinion, as I speak my mind on why I have always detested Orchard Road, bitches.

Know this:The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Chronic Boredom Patient

I am so sick of doing the same things again and again everyday. I am dying of boredom and it has reached to a fatal stage, seriously. But the irony of it all is, this is something I have been praying for since I can remember. That is because I have never had a real holiday, a holiday that requires you to do absolutely nothing but to rejuvenate, hibernate and simply reminisce about what you have done with your life so far and what you want to do with it ahead (cheesy, I know). I never had that before. That was because holidays used to be the period the teachers in school take advantage of to somewhat threaten us to catch up on our revision or give us mounts of homework to prepare us for the lessons in the following semester or the next year. Or there will definitely be our CCAs and other commitments such as the Student Council. Sometimes there are camps, which could be fun if you are with the ones you know you're going to miss during the holidays. Yeah, just being able to see him one last time before the New Year's is simply relieving. Anyway, I recalled a chat I had with Natalia, a brilliant friend of mine, before the Olevels ended. She oddly has the exact same past time as I did --sleeping, that is. We planned on hibernating during the holidays. Just sleep, sleep, sleep and yes, you've guessed it, sleep some more! Now, I am actually tired of sleeping. By the way, here is my daily itinerary: waking up at 1130am, having unhealthy breakfast-- Mee Soto, watching Ellen DeGeneres, playing Solitaire on the computer while listening to my MP3, watching videos on YouTube, have a shower and then random shows on the TV the rest of the day. Pretty exciting, huh? Not! Oh I have to get some excitement and thrill in my life again. I hate that I am complaining that I have absolutely nothing to do. I should be embracing this opportunity and savour it even. But all this time in my hands is making me insane, useless, lazy and fat, even. Worst of all, it's making me think, about my Olevel results, my friends and whether I am ever going to let him know how I feel about him. I watched The Holiday twice these past couple of days. The character known as Iris, played brilliantly by Kate Winslet, said that she had experienced the cruelest and worst kind of love of all-- the unreciprocated love, the one- sided love. She said people like that were cursed and were known as the walking wounded. Iris had been in love with a man for three years, but unfortunately, he does not feel the same way. How sad, I thought. What's even more sad is, that was me. I am the walking wounded. The only person that can save me? You know. Sadly, he doesn't.

Know this: Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Me, Myself and I

Nobody is perfect, right? But that is not an excuse for anyone to be total fucked up assholes. Perfection should be the object of everyone's desires. Its something everybody should be aiming towards. Although the sky is the limit for perfection, it is still worth a try. The people around me seem to be deliberately flawed. Being irresponsible, inconsiderate, selfish, rude, irritatingly deluded, pompous, ignorant and blatantly hateful, just to name a few. The thing is, all of these disgusting characteristics are completely avoidable, making it even more unforgiveable. Sometimes I wish that all the people that possess such ugliness would be locked inside this giant container and gassed with cyanide, a fatal gas. Yes, I wish that they will all perish in the fires of hell. I know these people. They are all around me. I help them out in any way that I can possibly afford to and what do I get in return? Fucking- shit attitude. Where is Karma when you need it? Why doesn't good things happen to good people anymore? I have been kind and patient. If I was given a dollar for every time I bite my tongue so that I wouldn't spit out something bitter, honey I would be a millionaire! I am a good person. Yeah, you're probably thinking 'she's really flattering herself', but to hell with you. I may not be perfect but I am sure as hell better than the people I called friends. If someone did you a favour, wouldn't that person be in some kind of memo that writes 'I owe you' ? You know what, I wouldn't even give a fuck if that person didn't return the favour, not unless I really need it. But to piss me off, let me down and fucking lie to me? That's just way too much. Maybe Theo was right. He said I had mixed with the wrong people after I said 'fucking whore'. Although my frien-emies (friend/enemies) did not teach me to say 'fucking whore', they had turned me into something ugly, a beast. Being around them and having to deal with their fucking crap had brought out the evil in me. I even fantasized of a day when all of them went on a trip together, in which I was not invited (as usual), and there was an accident. All of them died. I didn't even wish for an instant death for them. I wanted them to suffer. Go through the ordeal, which was fabricated as friendship, that I went through. Yes, at one point I was in pain. Everyone of my friends have hurt me but never ever apologized for it, being totally ignorant towards the situation, as if nothing was wrong. But I always took it in my stride to put a smile on my face and make them laugh. Pretend that everything is fine and that I was happy. How could I possibly be happy when I had been betrayed, made fun of and was unappreciated. I have no real friends. At least none that I would qualify as a friend, personally. My standards of being a good friend is not that high, people. I really don't expect you to be the greatest person in the world. Just that when you do hurt me, at least apologize for it. If sorry is a hard word, then make it up to me in other ways. Engage in a casual chat with me just so we know that the beef has been grilled. I don't hold grudges. I will always forgive but I will never forget. The memory is there only to protect and warn me that I cannot be too dependent on anyone or naive. But at the end of the day, I look at the glass as half full. Meaning, to focus only on the good in my so-called friends, eventhough their bad are overwhelming. The only person that I can call friend and hasn't let me down so far is, yes, you guessed it, me, myself and I.

Know this: You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

"It's Been A Long Time, Hasn't It?"

I have had 2 reunions so far and am about to have 2 more. The first was a reunion with my secondary 2 classmates. Most of us parted ways after the secondary 3 streaming hence we reunited for a 4-day and 3- night get-away at Down Town East Chalet, of which I only attended 1 day and 1 night, without staying. I had a blast during my short visits. We went to Sentosa and played the good ol' Captain's Ball on the beach. Then we headed to Marina Bay to bowl, which I happen to be absolutely fantastic at. The reunion reminded me that secondary 2 was the best year of my secondary life. I was really on a roll that year, with outstanding academic results, noticeably great netball abilities and I was a prefect. I also went to New Zealand that year with some of the greatest people. I will never forget those days. I was genuinely happy, which is getting more rare these days.
The next reunion was with my secondary 3/4 classmates at Aranda Country Club also at Down Town East. Man, was that place fancy. We practically had our own apartment! I only attended one out of the 2- day reunion, again without the stay- over. We hang out in the 'apartment' for about half the day then had a BBQ in the evening. I had a blast also. Although we did not really had any activities, it was nice to just relax with people I was comfortable with. There was no awkwardness at all.
Up ahead is my Primary 6Diligence reunion and my Netball team gathering, both of which I am absolutely excited about. I just can't wait to see how everybody is doing currently and whether anyone has changed, physically. To be honest, I am also a little nervous. The awkward tension will be at its all time hight. Nevertheless I'm sure we all will be able to pull through it. Well, we were once upon a time friends. It all has to begin simply with "Hey! It's been a long time, hasn't it?"

Know This: Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.