Monday, March 31, 2008

One for the Road

Since I am certain that I will not be updating my blog until probably next Friday, I shall put up a post now-- one for the road.
I have been doing a lot of thinking lately, albeit the Mount Everest of assignments. I thought about my choice of CCA and the unmentionables. With regards to my CCA, it is such an irony that I hate running but I am in Track and Field. Well, actually I hate running distance. I hate the chest pains I incur, the headaches due to the lack of oxygen supply to my brain. However, I love sprints. 'Get it over and done with' kind of runs. I love being fast and winning (that is if I'm leading the pact). The coach introduced himself as the national short-distance trainer in the secondary and junior college levels. Impressive, huh? That means he can mould me into the best sprinter that I can possibly be. But does that also mean that his demand will be higher, too high for me to achieve? With that, I am worried. Afraid. I do not want to fail him or myself. My senior told me that the coach is rather soft- spoken, NEVER raised his voice. That is a good thing. I am glad. But why am I still having mixed feelings about my choice. Student Council nominations are due, so that is out of the question. Will I continue to be unhappy and dread going to track and field in my 2 years in SAJC? Will I always be hoping and praying that my phone will buzz with a message 'Track is cancelled,' right before every training? To come to think of it, I have never really liked any of my CCAs in my primary as well as secondary schools. Nevertheless, I still pulled through and the satisfaction I get from getting through those times is indescribable. Furthermore, the bad days were always fun to rant about in the long run. Like, 'Remember that time when the stupid- ass coach told us to run up and down the stairs 10 times? Damn tired siah! I'm surpised we lived to tell the tale.' And for that, I realise that I have always been committed to everything that I am supposed to do, no matter how much I may despise it. I endured then, and I shall endure again. You see, even when I absolutely hated running distance, I knew it is the right thing to do, it is for the sake of my health. That is why I managed to be more disciplined in my actions. The rationale behind everything that I do has to be beneficial and relevant. Besides, no words can describe the satisfaction of knowing that we have made it all the way through the 'ordeals' in one piece. It truly makes you a stronger person. But I still quietly hope that no good thing will be difficult for anybody to do.
Regarding the 'unmentionables', all I can say is I did my research on someone and the outcome is bittersweet.
I am finally free, for they are not the same.

Know this: A hippopotamus can run faster than a man can. (By the way, I have a bizarre fear for hippos.)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

"Welcome to the JC life!"

Oh my goodness gracious! I hardly have time to watch television lately, except for American Idol but just David Archeleta's performances only. Things are really hectic for me in school. There are piles and piles of assignments everyday. I have 2 books to complete reading for Literature by next week. I have tests stacking up and the PFT is freaking next week. Just shoot me!
Track and field trainings have been all right, I guess. The coach seems nice. The only thing is my stamina, as it is at its all- time low. But I guess that is why trainings include rounds around the track. So I'm certain that I will regain my stamina and train up on my speed again. "Everything's gonna be all right." -Alicia Keys' Noone.
Social wise, my friends and I are integrating more with the class. There are certain issues going around currently but my wonderful CT and friends are working on that. My classmates are also extremely nice people, willing to help and still fun to be around. Through our efforts, hopefully everyone is left unhurt.
I decided not to join the Student Council as it is rather taxing on time- management as a councillor, as so I've heard. I am really remorseful towards Jeriel who had placed high hopes for me to join him in the council. I hope he understands that I do not want to jeopardize my studies for an impressive resume for a university. Ultimately, the universities will look at your academic results first, above all. I am just thinking ahead.
I have also signed up for the Malay Cultural Society (MCS) aka Perbayu. They take part in competitions such as Public Speaking (Pidato) and Dikir Barat. I am really keen on mingling with the other malay kids and value our malay-ness. Also, I want to be part of school productions, so Dikir Barat is something really interesting to showcase.
All in all, I am still alive and breathing well. Except for my calves, which are severely cramped from the improper warm- up exercises. I had a major pull on my left calve last training where my whole calf was locked and shifted to the side. Alicia and I were fer-reaking out, man. Coach told my to get new shoes, as my current shoes are court shoes from my netball days, and drink plenty of water. Suggestions currently are taken into consideration.
Also, past memories have risen from the dead. I want to move on. He being there is really, really tough for me. But I just have to deal with it I guess. Regarding my crush, it is as close to over. But looking for another or rather a motivation to go to school is hard. But we'll see how it goes.
Shall update you readers next time. Really am apologetic about this uber late update post. To quote from my Econs teacher, the hot Ms Hon, after we complained to her about all the assignments we had to do over the weekend on top of her 2 essay questions, she simply replied, "Welcome to the JC life!" Some things are just better understood through experience. It really sucks. But remember, we are all in this TOGETHER.

I want to be great. The best, if I could. But more importantly, I strive to be a good person.

Know this: Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour. (It's starting to get really tempting at this point.)

Monday, March 24, 2008

My Red High Heels

I suddenly have this obsession with Kelly Pickler's new single 'My Red High Heels'. I have never really been a fan of country music, except for Dixie Chicks' 'I'm Not Ready To Make Nice' and Carrie Underwood's 'Before He Cheats'. But this song is another one of my favourites. I really like the chorus, "Imma about to show you just how missing me feels, in my red high heels," although my life is not a reference to that part of the song.. just yet. So check it out on YouTube!
And before I forget, this is my class, 08A04. We could not ask for a better Civics Tutor, Ms Noelle Soh. Zhi Wei's in my class!! The other classmates I have yet to get to know within this 2 years together. We'll be fine. I'll make sure of it.

Know this: A horse can sleep standing up.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

A Crash Course

It has been 6 days since I last updated my blog. Not that there was nothing to post about, there certainly were, but time is not exactly on my side right now. I have been coming home late, doing my assignments and then watching TV shows, to keep my mind sane from all this JC- madness. So here are the essentials that would more or less sum up what I have been through these past few days-- a crash course.
Well, earlier this week, I tried my very first sushi at Ramen Ten. After that experience, I think the company should change its name to Ramen Two upon Ten (2/10). I really didnt like sushi. It was different and a little out-there for me. I think I'll settle with the more conventional cooked food next time. But at least I have tried it. Now I won't be those 'how-can-you-say-you-don't-like-it-when-you-haven't-even-tried-it' victims. It was a good experience and it did not traumatise me into never trying new things again. So I am basically up for anything new next time.
I am really getting to know my classmates better now. They are really people I could hang out and joke around with. We dislike the same teachers, didn't understand the same things and were excited for the same subjects. I really like them and this is just the beginning of something ger-rate!
Yesterday, I went for my very first track and field training, which I have been anxious for since I heard about it. As I was being a baby about it the whole day yesterday, my class rep.,Renee, told me that Monique was also planning on joining track and field! What are the odds? The very person I have been looking for that will get me through the whole training was right under my nose all this time-- my classmate! Monique is fun and down-to-earth. More importantly she was positive all the time. So I really needed her at that moment. Funny how life works out sometimes. 'Life has a funny, funny way of helping you out,' by Alanis Morisette in Ironic. During the training, I pulled a muscle in my right calve and it cramped. I sat out for the last 5 out of the 12, 100m dash we did for 2 sets! It was not really tough for me, considering I have not run for ages! So things will get better I suppose. The people there were great and friendly. Although the JC 1s were a small group, it was still enjoyable. As Monique was the only one who was not experiencing any sort of exhaustion, since she was a long distance runner and the training required more of stamina than speed, Alicia and I were both panting our lungs out because we both have not ran for so long and we both were sprinters. So I was really happy to know that I have a friend who is going through the same things that I was. So to sum up, track training was much much better than I expected it to be plus the weather was so merciful and was such a blessing! But if I get through the council selection process, it would really be hard to choose. I'll see how it goes.
I watched Satu Jam yesterday to see Syarif and I realise I don't really fancy him anymore. I am also beginning to realise that I don't fancy my JC-crush as much either. Mainly because it seems to be going nowhere. I am close to done.
Really apologise for this late update. Happy Good Friday to all!

Know this: A woman's heart beats faster than a man's.

Monday, March 17, 2008

An Official Beginning

Today is the last day of the March Holidays, which means tomorrow is a school day (doesn't take a genius to know that now does it?). Anyway, tomorrow is more than just a school- day. It is an OFFICIAL school- day, with the tutorials, no more mass lectures in the CC (cultural centre). But with these tutorials, I can interact more with my classmates, one thing that I am ceratinly looking forward to. CCA also starts tomorrow. I went to the stadium with my brother yesterday to time my 100m dash but there was a soccer match last night so the stadium was closed. So I decided to jog at the Bishan Park yesterday. It was a rather short and pathetic run since I haven't ran for so so long. My stamina is at its all- time low. This worries me for the first track and field training tomorrow with the rest. So I really hope they will understand or rather my body could just endure the soreness and chest pains.
I have completed most of my assignments. All except for the 800-word GP essay, which is due on Wednesday. I am starting my research later today. Math Holiday Assignment was utter rubbish, considering I did NONE of the AP-GP questions. But I heard everyone's struggling too, so I expect blanks in the others' foolscap pieces also. All in all, I have completed all that I can and did my best as far as my brain juice could offer.
To sum up, I am really nervous about the track and field training tomorrow, but excited to see who is in that CCA, my holiday assignments are more or less ready for submission, and besides, there is always the ulterior motive for coming to school (am I right, ladies?).
I'll be back soon to update you on how the anticipated official beginning turns out. Hope there are good news to share!
By the way, I cannot wait for this Thursday. Not only is it the last day of school for next week, since Friday is a good Friday, but also my crush Syarif from Sleeq, will be acting on Satu Jam on Suria at 9.30pm. He melts my heart with his good looks and voice. Oh, won't you be mine?

Know this: Bees and dogs can smell fear.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Getting the Ball Rolling

Being a woman of her words, I started on my homework yesterday. I completed a significant amount of work, although there are plenty more to go. Honestly, not that I am trying to point any fingers or anything... but it's all the rain's fault! The heavy rain is really making me lazy and all I really want to do is sleep. Against all odds, I still managed to come out of my laziness and pull it together. I have learnt from experience that the beginning is always the hardest, in whatever that we do, not confining this theory to just studying. Take this whole JC life for example. Making friends and catching up with the curriculum was hard at first, but once we get the ball rolling and get a hang of things, everything is fine.

So yesterday, after completing a portion of my assignments, my family decided to catch a movie, since it was my father's pay day. We headed to Toa Payoh, our usual movie place, but there were no appealing shows to watch and those that were appealing either showed late or were already showing as we spoke. So we decided to head down to Ang Mo Kio Hub to watch a movie there. My parents were queueing up for Step Up 2 The Streets when it flashed on the screens 'Sold Out'. So we ate at McDonalds before heading back to Toa Payoh to watch 10 000BC. Our moods were all down by all the walking and the horrendous weather so we decided to watch any available show. I have to admit, the movie was not half bad! It was different from other movies because it was supposedly a movie about civilisation a long long time ago. Accompanied by witty jokes and romance, the movie was worth the while.
Now it comes the time again for me to hit the books (or tutorials). I really wonder if I will be able to complete all my assignments in time. Well, I guess I will just have to do my best.

Stumbled upon a picture of him not long ago and everytime I surf, it is tempting to go into that page.

Know this: A zebra is white with black stripes.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Can't Help Myself

This March Holiday is actually packed with assignments, research and upcoming tests. Still, I did not fail to go out every single day since the holiday started! I have not touch any of my assignments (except during the Math bridging). Well, not only did I go out, I shopped too. Yesterday, I went to Vivo City with my family to accompany my sister look for a 'wanted' magazine. During the search, I drifted off with my mother to an accesories shop and purchased a $10.90 pretty little head- band. When my sister found out that the magazine was sold out at One Page, she proposed that we head down th Bugis Junction to continue the search. Again, when the search was no avail, my mother bought me a $33 wallet, which I totally needed because my previous wallet is a total wreck, having lasted 5 years with me through thick, thin, wet and dry! So I spent a close to $45 yesterday but had completed NONE of my assignments. Well done, Rosazlin! What can I say, I just could not help myself. The girl's gotta shop. So today is the day I am going to attempt to complete my homework as much as I possibly can, right after completing this post actually. But afterwards, I want to head down to the stadium to train up my speed again, before I join the rest of the track and field-ers during their training on Monday. But the rain seems merciless. So, wish me luck!

Here are some adventurous pictures I took during my days out. I call it Hat Day!
"I wanna be bad. It makes me look so good."
My sister gets into the craziness too!
My brother the Jester!
"That-that-that-that don't kill me, can only make me stronger."
The Urban Sombrero Work it girl!
Cikgu Bedah?! I scare myself sometimes.
I feel pretty, all-so pretty.... Boa!
Check out the new head- band.
Pictures wouldn't be possible w/o this guy right here.
(the one on the left, of course!)
I had a blast. Can you tell?
Know this: "Four" is the only number whose number of letters in the name equals the number.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

March Holidays

Goodness gracious, the March Holidays are here! I am so excited because it's back to my 'wake up at 12nn' routine, temporarily that is, but I'll take it. Of course this holiday is filled with assignments, or tutorials as they call it in JC. I am planning to do some each day. Aside to that, I have decided that debating isn't really my thing. The first practice I went for was such a disappointment. The coach was repulsively uninterested and she kept sighing at us, as if we seemed hopeless to her. There was no proper introduction to debating or even the coach herself. The other people who signed up for debate were-- how can I put this? Not the kind of people I would conventionally hang out with. But they were interesting, by some standards, and very passionate about the motion of the day. I, on the other hand, was bored to death. It felt like another lesson, hence the countless yawns. So, I have made my decision to return to track and field. But I am worried because I don't know anyone who had signed up for track and field, so I don't know who I am supposed to contact to join that CCA. Damn! As for the Student Council, I'm afraid I might not get nominated because the teachers simply do not know me well enough to nominate me. So the PAE kids have a head start (as usual).
The March Holidays started with a bang, for me. I met up with my secondary school friends, the Muslim Community! Those who were able to make it were Aqila, Nurul, Siti and yours truly. Emerlia and Nadia were missed. We went to Marina Square to eat at Burger King and gossip. Then we went to the Esplanade Rooftop to take pictures and gossip some more! We shared anything and everything, from who we thought were cute in SAJC and IJC. We talked about 'betrayals' and German guys. Yeah, that was fun! But we made a pact, whatever happened there, stayed there! Then Siti went off to meet her family, and so Nurul, Aqila and I went to Starbucks for coffee. There, we deliberated about what I should do with my SAJC- crush, whether I should act on it or not. Nurul even tried to coach me on how to take a picture of him without him realising. Yeah, I don't think the photo- taking thing will work out. It's hard for me to be subtle. Anyway, I had a blast with the 3 of them! I hope we can meet again real soon for updates on our schools respectively.
Hopefully, there will be good news to share next time. Here are some pictures captured on that fant-abulous day I had with my girls!

Know this: A lump of pure gold the size of a matchbox can be flattened into a sheet the size of a tennis court.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Mixed Feelings

This time, I really am not going to lie. Frankly, this is not working out as easy as I thought it would, since it has been 3 weeks since JC life started. I think I might have started my life in JC with the absolute wrong note. I portrayed myself as the shy and quiet girl, which I don't wish to be perceived as. I was completely overwhelmed with this whole changing- phase that I restrained myself from being 'out there'-- oppression, as they call it. Like I told Nadia, the only one that I can truly confide my anxieties to since she too is experiencing the same thing as I am, that this phase will pass and it will get better. Our friendships with the others will grow stronger and everything will be fine. Sadly, I can't help to realise that that was what I said 2 weeks ago! Nothing is improving and I am severely depressed.
On a lighter note, I joined the Debate/ Oratorical Society in SAJC and wish to run for the Student Council. I have also been selected for the Pre- University Seminar, which consists of a 5- day overnight camp in NTU, during the June holidays.
I also have a crush in school, which only an elite few know of. Honestly, it's the only reason I look forward to coming to school. A- levels are next year, Rosazlin. Priorities, priorities!

I am really looking forward to the Muslim Comm gathering this Saturday! Miss them all loads and loads to catch up on!

Know this: It was my brother's birthday yesterday, 5th March. He is at camp now and I sincerely hope he is having fun!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A Positive Outlook

I think it is pretty clear by now that the changes I am experiencing in SAJC is tough. But I have decided to not sulk anymore and to look at the glass as half full-- to have a more positive outlook on how my life is. Let's break it down for a minute, the long journey to school and back has made things more interesting. One morning, I experienced a rather odd encounter with this mentally- challenged boy (as my sister claimed). He asked me random and weird questions. It really left a deep impression on me. I also get to witness people during the morning rush. Everyone seems to be racing to the MRT station every morning, influencing me to pick up my pace as well. It's almost as if there is a time ticking for us to get on the train. How exciting! And on my way home, I get to meet more strangers from all walks of life. After school today, a senior citizen lady sat next to me, a little to close for comfort! I could barely move my right arm. Serves me right for sitting in the green seats. Now, I have more stories to share. Long journeys are always fun! I often look forward to them.
As for my studies, maths is a little confusing since tutorials have not started yet. Damn lectures are so ineffective! I just set for my very first test today, Econs. It was an MCQ 5-question paper and if we were to fail the test, we have to come back during the March Holidays for remedial. I studied like crazy yesterday-- the whole day dedicated to Econs! And yet, I still found the test tricky. I hope I pass it though!
My social life is also improving. I am currently clique-ing with Farina and Amalina. Intelligent ladies but still fun to be around.
Right now, I just have to finalise my CCA. CCA sign up is this Wednesday and I am still unsure of which CCA I would like to sign up for. Most probably I would join the Debate Club since I have always been impressed with debaters.
My only unhappiness lies on an issue known to only an elite few. Loyalty and fate are really being put into question here. Show me a sign.

Know this: 80% of arrested criminals are male.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

I Miss Them Already

Last Saturday, I had the long anticipated 4 Truth reunion at Sentosa. Funny, because it has only been 2 months and yet I miss them already. I bet they too feel the same way. Although not many who came, the small group was enough to transform the day into a fun one! We were ALL friends, you see. We were close, unfortunately only towards to the last part of our year together. By then, we were all going separate ways.
At Sentosa, we basically spent most our time under the sun, catching up on old times and our future endeavours after secondary school. It felt really good to see familiar faces again and to know that I fit in with them. We also played in the sand, where we buried Aqila and turned her into a beautiful mermaid! Vanessa, Ivan and Bertram went swimming, while the rest of the guys went to play soccer. The girls tanned, I guess. Oh, I just love them.
I really hope we have more gatherings like these. I vividly recall Mr Wong, my lower secondary DNT teacher, saying that our secondary friends were with whom we form the closest bonds with in our lives, during one of my first few days in secondary school. They are the ones you go back to and miss. Of course, back then I was pretty ignorant and thought that it was going to be my primary school gang for life. But now I truly understand what he meant. He was right.
By the way, my JC social life is improving and I am much happier than before. I am starting to open up and conversations are easily made. So, I am doing fine, guys.

Here are some pictures to remember the 4 Truth '08 by...

Pretty Vanessa Chia

Take one... Failed.

Take two... Failed also, but it was fun!

Beach Spice Girls Drama-ing!


Pretty little Mermaid!

Soaking up the Sun!

It was Siti's Birthday that day!

Behind the Construction of the Mermaid are...

Thanks for the fun, guys! I really needed it.

Know this: A full moon is nine times brighter than a half moon.